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特定の支払方法が利用できるかどうかを定義します。 Show/edit corresponding data item.


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特定の支払方法が利用できるかどうかを定義します。記述方法は payment:支払方法=yes/no/interval のような形です。

Defines if a certain payment method is accepted or not.

For example payment:cash=no means that you cannot pay with cash and payment:credit_cards=yes means that you can pay with credit card.

  • yes: その支払方法が利用できる。
  • no: その支払方法が利用できない。
  • only: Only the defined payment method in the key is accepted. For example: payment:via_verde:lanes=only|no|no. Note that there is also payment:others=no that can be used to mark payment option list as complete.
  • interval: ある時間内のみその支払方法が利用可、記述には opening_hours=* を利用できます。
  • other: その他の payment:service_voucher と payment:szep を参照してください。



In case a new key needs to be introduced, please consider:

  • Keys should be as unique and unambiguous as possible. E.g. don't tag a service called "CASH" as 'payment:CASH' which could be easily confused with paying cash.
  • Some services operate only locally and similarly named services exist in other parts of the world. Consider adding a country code to the key. Two schemes are in use right now, 'payment:ab_servicename' and 'payment:AB:servicename' (with AB being the country code where the service is available).


These are a few very generic tags. If possible, they should be replaced by more specific ones which are listed in the tables below. E.g. payment:cards=* is less specific than payment:credit_cards=* which in turn is less specific than e.g. payment:mastercard=*. Many of these tags are especially useful to express that a whole group of payment options is not accepted, like payment:cards=no.

キー コメント 具体的なキー Taginfo
payment:cash 地域で一般的な通貨で支払うことが可能な場合
payment:coins 硬貨で支払うことが可能な場合
payment:notes 紙幣で支払うことが可能な場合
payment:cheque 小切手で支払うことが可能な場合
payment:electronic_purses 電子マネーの包括的なタグ 電子マネー
payment:cards Payment by card (of any type). Should only be used to specify that cards are not accepted[1]
payment:debit_cards デビットカードの包括的なタグ デビットカード
payment:credit_cards クレジットカードの包括的なタグ クレジットカード
payment:contactless そこに '非接触' (RFID/NFCベースの) カード読み取り機があることを示します 非接触型決済

電子マネー / 相互利用電子マネー (IEP) / ストアドフェアカード

stored-value card は、金銭価値を外部の口座ではなくカード内部に保持するカードのことをさします。多くの場合、口座とは紐付けされておらず、匿名です。

キー 情報 地域 コメント Taginfo
payment:electronic_purses あらゆる電子マネーの包括的なタグです このタグは、主に電子マネーを受け付けない場合に使うべきものです。電子マネーを受け付ける場合は、さらに詳しいキーでどの電子マネーが使えるかを示してください。
payment:stored_value_card あらゆるストアドバリューカードの包括的なタグです このタグは、主に電子マネーを受け付けない場合に使うべきものです。電子マネーを受け付ける場合は、さらに詳しいキーでどの電子マネーが使えるかを示してください。
payment:ep_avant フィンランド
payment:ep_beep beep homepage

beep on Wikipedia

payment:ep_brizzi BRIZZI homepage (インドネシア語) インドネシア Can be used to pay road tolls.
payment:ep_bsbcash BSB Cash homepage (インドネシア語) インドネシア 主に南スマトラとバンカ・ブリトゥンで使われています。
payment:ep_cash Cash on Wikipedia (ドイツ語) スイス
payment:ep_flazz Flazz homepage (インドネシア語) インドネシア Can be used to pay road tolls.
payment:ep_geldkarte GeldKarte homepage

GeldKarte on Wikipedia (ドイツ語)

payment:ep_mach MACH on Wikipedia

MACH homepage

payment:ep_mandiri_emoney Mandiri e-money homepage (インドネシア語) インドネシア インドネシアで展開している、互換性のない決済サービスのNOBU e-money と混同しないでください。
payment:ep_megacash MEGACASH homepage (インドネシア語) インドネシア
payment:ep_mep ポルトガル
payment:ep_minicash ルクセンブルク
payment:ep_minipay イタリア
payment:ep_monedero Monedero on Wikipedia (Spanish only) アルゼンチン 以前は公共交通で主に使われていましたが、現在その目的では SUBE が使われています。
payment:ep_monedero4b スペイン
payment:ep_nets_flashpay NETS FlashPay homepage シンガポール A contactless card mainly used for ERP and public transport. Supported by some merchants.
payment:ep_nobu_emoney NOBU e-money homepage (インドネシア語) インドネシア インドネシアで展開している、互換性のない決済サービスの Mandiri e-money と混同しないでください。
payment:ep_stwm_legic Legic-Card homepage ドイツ Munich Can be used to pay for products in regards to being a student in Munich.
payment:ep_tapcash TapCash homepage (インドネシア語) インドネシア Can be used to pay road tolls.
payment:octopus Octopus card 香港特別区
payment:mercado_pago Mercado Pago on Wikipedia (Spanish only) Latin America Electronic and physical card payment method belonging to Mercado Libre Inc. and widely used throughout Latin America.


キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:debit_cards あらゆるデビットカードの包括的なタグです このタグは、主にデビットカードを受け付けない場合に使うべきものです。デビットカードを受け付ける場合は、さらに詳しいキーでどのカードが使えるかを示してください。

payment:bancomat Bancomat on Wikipedia

Bancomat homepage

payment:bancontact Bancontact website, wikipedia:nl:Bancontact, wikipedia:fr:Bancontact ベルギー
payment:bankaxept BankAxept Website, wikipedia:en:BankAxept ノルウェー
payment:bankaxess BankAxess Website redirects to BankAxept ノルウェー
payment:cb CB on Wikipedia

Official website


CB bank card often erroneously called "Carte Bleu" Logo.

payment:coinkite Coinkite Website
payment:cuentarut CuentaRUT on Wikipedia

Official website

payment:eps EPS 香港特別区


Girocard on Wikipedia

Girocard Webseite


"EC" として知られています

payment:gpn_debit GPN on Wikipedia (Indonesian) インドネシア

"GPN" stands for "Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional", literally "National Payment Gateway"

payment:interac Interac on Wikipedia

Interac homepage


Owned by Canada's largest banks & credit unions

payment:laser Laser on Wikipedia

Laser homepage

payment:maestro Maestro on Wikipedia

Maestro homepage

payment:mastercard_debit Debit card issued by Mastercard
payment:mir Mir on Wikipedia

Mir homepage

payment:multibanco Multibanco on Wikipedia

Multibanco homepage (pt)

ポルトガルSome merchants only accept Multibanco cards


NETS Bank Card homepage シンガポール A chip-and-PIN card linked to a bank account. Supported by most merchants with EFTPOS terminals in Singapore.

Merchants that support NETS Debit will also support the NETS Prepaid card.

Not to be confused with other NETS payment cards / systems:

payment:postfinance_card PostFinance Card homepage スイス
payment:unionpay_debit Debit card issued by UnionPay
Notice: Don't confuse this "unionpay_debit" with "china_t-union", the t-union is used in bus fee payment, not credit/debit card!
payment:v_pay V Pay on Wikipedia Europe

SEPA by Visa

payment:visa_debit Visa Debit on Wikipedia


payment:visa_electron Visa Electron on Wikipedia



クレジットカードの包括的なリストは Wikipediaの "クレジットカード" カテゴリ で見られます。

キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:credit_cards あらゆるクレジットカードの包括的なタグです このタグは、主にクレジットカードを受け付けない場合に使うべきものです。クレジットカードを受け付ける場合は、さらに詳しいキーでどのカードが使えるかを示してください。
payment:american_express American Express on Wikipedia

American Express homepage

payment:bca_card BCA Card homepage

BCA (Bank Central Asia)

インドネシアで使われています。 especially with EDC terminals supplied with BCA (Bank Central Asia).
payment:dinacard Dinacard(Wikipedia) (Serbian only)

Dinacard homepage

This card is primarily used in Serbia for regular payment.
payment:diners_club Diners Club on Wikipedia

Diners Club homepage

payment:discover_card Discover Card on Wikipedia

Discover Card homepage

payment:jcb JCB on Wikipedia

JCB Card Homepage

payment:mastercard MasterCard on Wikipedia

MasterCard homepage

payment:unionpay UnionPay on Wikipedia

UnionPay homepage

Notice: Don't confuse this "unionpay_debit" with "china_t-union", the t-union is used in bus fee payment, not credit/debit card!
payment:visa Visa on Wikipedia

Visa homepage


Wikipedia「非接触型決済」 and Contactless smart card on Wikipedia

See also JA:Key:payment#デジタルウォレット which may also use contactless payments.

キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:contactless そこに '非接触' (RFID/NFCベースの) カード読み取り機があることを示します。

可能であれば具体的な決済方法を追加してください。非接触カード型の payment:meal_vouchers=*payment:electronic_purses=* など、各所の組織内で使われるタイプのものと混同しないでください。









American Expressの非接触型決済。以前は'expressPay'として知られていました。
payment:girocard_contactless ドイツ
payment:interac_contactless カナダ Contactless payment with Interac debit cards is known as 'Interac Flash'
payment:jcb_contactless JCBの非接触型決済。
payment:maestro_contactless Contactless payment with Maestro debit cards
payment:nets_contactless A contactless card payment system used in Singapore.

Note: Not all merchants that support NETS Debit (payment:nets) will support NETS Contactless and vice-versa.



その他の情報については fuel cardsを参照してください。

キー 情報 地域 Taginfo
payment:berlio NP LLC BERLIO homepage ベラルーシ ロシア

ポーランド ウクライナ

payment:cfn Commercial Fueling Network (CFN) アメリカ合衆国 カナダ
payment:circlek Circle K Fuel Card アイルランド
payment:dci DCI Fuel Card アイルランド
payment:dkv DKV Euro Service(Wikipedia) (German only)

DKV homepage

payment:esso_card Card issued by ESSO
payment:eurowag Eurowag homepage Europe
payment:ids Q8 International Diesel Service homepage Europe
payment:omv_card OMV homepage Europe
payment:petrochina Card issued by PetroChina

PetroChina homepage

payment:roadrunner Roadrunner homepage (German only) ドイツ
payment:routex Routex homepage
payment:satimoto Charge EV with Lightning ⚡ (Bitcoin)

Satimoto homepage

payment:sinopec Card issued by Sinopec

Sinopec sale homepage

payment:shell Card issued by Shell
payment:snnp Card "Sa nama na putu" by NIS/Gazprom セルビア
payment:svg SVG homepage (German only) ドイツ
payment:total_card Card issued by Total
payment:uta Union Tank Eckstein
UTA homepage


キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:sms Payment can be done by sending a paid short message to a special number.


Payment is possible by calling a dedicated phone number
payment:app 携帯電話の専用アプリで支払いが可能です。
payment:mobile_phone Payment is possible with a mobile phone. It seems that the meaning of this tag is not fully clear. Please consider using payment:phone, payment:sms or payment:app instead.
payment:telephone_cards Payment is possible with telephone cards. Mostly used for public phones. Telephone cards often have a chip.
payment:calling_cards Payment is possible with calling cards. The usage of calling cards has been established on public phones in some countries. In contrast to telephone cards, on a calling card the credit is not stored on the card, but centrally with the telecommunications service provider. Calling cards often work with a dial-in number rather than a chip.
payment:reverse_charge_calls This Key is for public telephones (amenity=telephone) to show whether reverse charge calls are possible. These are calls for which the called party pays (with their prior consent by pressing one or more keys). This service can be used when people don't have coins or phone cards with them. On the one hand, it can be offered by the operator of the public telephone itself, but there are also external providers (the German Yoo R-Call for example). So if 0800 numbers can be dialed from the public telephone generally, the tag should be added, even if service is often limited to reaching landline connections only.
payment:my_pertamina_app My Pertamina Homepage (Indonesian) インドネシア Payment with "My Pertamina" app
payment:parkee_app PARKEE Homepage (Indonesian) インドネシア Payment with "PARKEE" app
payment:payback_app PAYBACK-App による支払い
payment:payconiq_app Payconiq on Wikipedia

Payconiq Belgium Home Page

ベルギー Payconiq-App による支払い
payment:payme PayMe on Wikipedia

PayMe Home Page

Hong_Kong Payment with PayMe app
payment:spb SBP on Wikipedia ロシア Wire transfer to a phone number using Fast Payments System (SBP).


キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:china_t-union 中国

「交通联合 China T-union」のロゴが入っているICカード。
Notice: Don't confuse this "china_t-union" with "unionpay", the t-union is used in bus fee payment, not credit/debit card!

payment:clipper Clipper card on Wikipedia

Clipper card homepage



payment:ic ICカードを使う交通機関。
payment:icsf Suica (Wikipedia)

Suica ホームページ
交通系カード(Wikipedia) Transport card on Wikipedia JP


日本でバス、鉄道、地下鉄、コンビニエンスストアなどで使われている「ICストアドフェア」です。 ICSF は公共交通会社が発行するいくつかのプリペイドカードの総称です。相互利用ができるようになっています。このタグはこれらのカードを含みます。

payment:ep_ipass iPASS on Wikipedia, iPASS official website 台湾

Contactless smartcard in Taiwan
Please notice the difference to payment:i-pass which is used in the US!




Contactless smartcard in Taiwan. Both keys are in use, the latter one uses the recommended 'ep' prefix.

payment:ezlink EZ-Link card homepage シンガポール Contactless card in Singapore, primarily used for public transport. Supported by a limited number of merchants.

This applies to the following cards:

  • Standard/co-branded EZ-Link cards
  • Concession cards
  • Bank cards with integrated EZ-Link functionality (i.e. has the CEPAS logo)

Applicable to EZ-Link cards that support either both the older card-based, or the new SimplyGo account-based ticketing (ABT) system.

Do not apply to ERPs (Singapore's toll gantry system), as the newer SimplyGo EZ-Link cards are not supported. Use payment:SG:erp instead.

Not to be confused with the other payment cards / systems by EZ-Link:

Not to be confused with the other payment systems supported by Singapore's public transport system:

payment:jak_lingko Jak Lingko on Wikipedia (Indonesian)

Jak Lingko homepage



  • MRT Jakarta で使われている「Kartu Jelajah」は「Jak Lingko」と完全な互換性があります。
  • 「Jak Lingko」はBNI TapCash (payment:ep_tapcash)などインドネシアの複数の電子マネーをベースにしていることが知られています。
payment:ov-chipkaart ov-chipkaart on Wikipedia (Dutch)

ov-chipkaart homepage



payment:oyster Oyster card on Wikipedia

Oyster card homepage



payment:prepaid_ticket Tickets you buy in advance (at a ticket vending machine or online) and that are for example stamped/scanned (e.g. a QR code) at a ticket validator before traveling. Example
payment:presto Presto card on Wikipedia

Presto card homepage


Contactless payment card for regional GO public transport in southern Ontario, and local public transport in Greater Toronto, Hamilton, and Ottawa. It can also be used with Société de Transport de l’Outaouais (in Québec), provided either a transit pass is already loaded onto the card, or transferring from OC Transpo.

payment:sube SUBE card on Wikipedia (spanish)

SUBE home page (Spanish only).


アルゼンチンのバス、鉄道、地下鉄で使われる政府発行の非接触カードです。MiFARE Classic が使われているようです。


Payment of road tolls in Indonesia use electronic purses; see #Electronic Purses / Intersector Electronic Purses (IEP) / Stored-value cards above.

キー 情報 国と地域 コメント Taginfo
payment:license_plate Toll by plate on Wikipedia For users without an electronic toll transponder, a photograph of the license plate will be taken, and a bill will be mailed.
payment:touchngo Touch 'n Go Card Website マレーシア マレーシアの主要な高速道路全てで使われている、非接触決済カードです。
payment:touchngo_smarttag Touch 'n Go SmartTAG Website マレーシア SmartTAG is an on-board unit with infrared technology, which works in combination with the Touch 'n Go card (payment:touchngo) and enables users to pay for toll charges with a drive-through convenience, through some tolls in Malaysia
payment:touchngo_rfid Touch 'n Go RFID Website マレーシア Touch 'n Go RFID is an electronic payment system used by some RFID enabled tolls in Malaysia, used in conjunction with payment:touchngo_eWallet
payment:autosweep_rfid Autosweep RFID homepage フィリピン フィリピンの高速道路で使われている電子料金徴収システムです。
payment:easytrip Easytrip homepage フィリピン フィリピンの高速道路で使われている電子料金徴収システムです。
payment:e_pass E-Pass on Wikipedia

E-Pass homepage

アメリカ合衆国 Florida Electronic toll collection system used by the Central Florida Expressway Authority. The roads that it covers also take payment:sunpass and payment:e_zpass.[2]
payment:e_zpass E-ZPass on Wikipedia

E-ZPass homepage


(DE, IL, IN, KY, MA, ME, MD, NH, NJ, NC, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, WV)

payment:fastrak FasTrak on Wikipedia

Bay Area FasTrak, San Diego FasTrak, et al.

アメリカ合衆国 California
payment:k-tag K-TAG アメリカ合衆国 Kansas
payment:good_to_go Good To Go! on Wikipedia

Good To Go! official website

アメリカ合衆国 Washington
payment:i-pass I-PASS on Wikipedia

I-PASS official website

アメリカ合衆国 Illinois Do not confuse with payment:ep_ipass, used in Taiwan.
payment:nc_quick_pass North Carolina Quick Pass Website アメリカ合衆国 North Carolina フロリダ州、ジョージア州、ノースカロライナ州の住人は協定により相互利用ができるようになっています。
payment:peach_pass Peach Pass on Wikipedia

Georgia Peach Pass Website

アメリカ合衆国 Georgia フロリダ州、ジョージア州、ノースカロライナ州の住人は協定により相互利用ができるようになっています。
payment:pikepass Oklahoma PIKEPASS Website アメリカ合衆国 Oklahoma
payment:sunpass SunPass on Wikipedia

Florida SunPass Website

アメリカ合衆国 Florida フロリダ州、ジョージア州、ノースカロライナ州の住人は協定により相互利用ができるようになっています。
payment:via_verde Via Verde on Wikipedia

Via Verde homepage

ポルトガル ポルトガルで使われているETC (自動料金収受) システムです。
payment:CN:etc Wikipedia:zh:电子不停车收费系统 (中国大陆) 中国 Electronic toll collection system used at most expressways in China. The Ministry of Transport is responsible for nationwide system maintenance.
payment:SG:erp Electronic Road Pricing on Wikipedia シンガポール Electronic toll collection system used at all expressways, paid via an in-vehicle unit (IU) or on-board unit (OBU).

Also used by carparks leveraging the Electronic Parking System (EPS).

List of supported cards depends on the IU/OBU version. Hence, this is used as a catch-all for all ERP gantries and EPS-enabled parking.

Specific payment per lane

In cases where a road toll has a special lane which segregates drivers by a certain payment method, it's possible to use the lanes scheme.

For example: a toll booth area with several normal lanes (where a driver must pay with cash or a card) and a special lane, usually on the far right or far left, where it's not needed to stop nor pay on the spot. One of such cases happens in Portugal, with Via Verde. In such cases, the following tag can be used: payment:via_verde:lanes=no|no|only. (this means the highway has three lanes and the far right lane only allows drivers that are going to pay with Via Verde.



キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:cryptocurrencies Generic tag for any cryptocurrency これは主に暗号通貨を受け付けていない場合に使います。暗号通貨を受け付けている場合は、より詳しいキーを使って、どの通貨が使えるのかを明示してください。
payment:bitcoin Deprecated. See the Cryptocurrency page on this wiki for details. ビットコインは独自の通貨であり、支払い方法だけではありません。currency:XBT=* の使用を検討してください。
payment:lightning See the Cryptocurrency page on this wiki for details. Lightning is a payment method for Bitcoin. Also use currency:XBT=*.
payment:lightning_contactless See the Cryptocurrency page on this wiki for details. Lightning Contactless is a payment method for Bitcoin. Also use currency:XBT=*.
payment:bitcoincash BitcoinCash on Wikipedia BitcoinCash is its own currency, not only a payment method. Preferred tagging is currency:BCH=*.
payment:litecoin Litecoin on Wikipedia ライトコインは、支払い方法だけでなく、独自の通貨です。currency:LTC=*の使用を検討してください。
payment:dogecoin Dogecoin on Wikipedia Joke project, do not bother adding payment:dogecoin=no - and all payment:dogecoin=yes are extremely dubious
payment:ethereum Ethereum on Wikipedia
payment:dash DASH on Wikipedia


キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:akulaku Akulaku homepage Unlike major digital wallets, Akulaku is a credit-based digital wallet with accepting merchants in multiple countries.
payment:alipay Alipay homepage

Alipay global homepage Alipay on Wikipedia (en)



payment:apple_pay Apple Pay(Wikipedia)

Apple Pay homepage

Apple Pay is a mobile payment and digital wallet service by Apple Inc. Used in conjunction with payment:contactless.



BCA homepage

sakuku homepage (Indonesian)

インドネシア. Not to be confused with BCA's QR ku, which is not compatible with QRIS and intended for domestic account transfers.

BCA-issued QR codes are compatible with BCA Mobile (BCA's mobile banking app), Sakuku (BCA's digital wallet), with other QRIS-compatible digital wallets and mobile banking apps. Please tag payment:gpn_qris=yes and payment:bca:gpn_qris=yes as well. For more information, please read the tagging notice at payment:gpn_qris.

payment:blik blik homepage ポーランド Common mobile payment service


BluePay homepage 複数の国で使われています。


If the merchant supports BluePay payments through BluePay-issued QR codes in Indonesia, then it is likely that the merchant accepts QRIS as well. Please tag payment:gpn_qris=yes and payment:bluepay:gpn_qris=yes as well. For more information, please read the tagging notice at payment:gpn_qris.

payment:cashbac Cashbac homepage インドネシア Cashbac transactions are indirectly linked to debit cards, credit cards, as well as GoPay (Indonesia).


DANA homepage (Indonesian) インドネシア

If the merchant supports DANA payments through DANA-issued QR codes or latest DANA-provided EDCs (with monochrome LED screen attached to the device), then it is likely that the merchant accepts QRIS as well. Please tag payment:gpn_qris=yes and payment:dana:gpn_qris=yes as well. For more information, please read the tagging notice at payment:gpn_qris.

If the merchant only accepts DANA payments through PARKEE (payment:parkee_app), please do not tag the merchant with payment:dana. Instead, please use the respective app-specific tags (payment:parkee_app=yes) to indicate acceptance with other app-supported payment methods, such as debit and credit cards.

payment:e-cny e-CNY(Digital renminbi) on Wikipedia 中国 Digital renminbi which abbreviated as e-CNY is a central bank digital currency issued by China's central bank, the People's Bank of China.
payment:ezlink_wallet EZ-Link Wallet homepage シンガポール EZ-Link Wallet is a QR-code-based payment system that's integrated within an payment:sgqr QR-code.

It should not be confused with payment:ezlink.

Do not use this if the merchant only supports EZ-Link by virtue of supporting AliPay+.

payment:gcash GCash homepage フィリピン

GCash payments may be performed through: Debit cards or QR codes, which are shown either though an installed sticker or the GCash application. Mappers who wish to tag merchants accepting QR-based GCash payments should tag payment:mastercard_debit=yes as well.



Google Pay on Wikipedia
Google Pay homepage
The service was formed as a merger of Android Pay, Google Wallet, and Tez (India).


GoPay (Indonesia) homepage インドネシア Formerly known as "GO-PAY" and "GO-JEK Credits", GoPay is a digital wallet and payment service by Gojek (PT. Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa).

Not to be confused with:

  • GOPAY, a digital wallet and payment service in Malaysia
  • GoPay, a payment processing company based in Czech Republic
  • GoPay, a cross-country fund transfer service aimed at university students

If the merchant supports GoPay payments through GoPay-provided EDC devices ("Spots"), the "GoBiz" mobile app, or GoPay-issued QRIS-labelled QR codes, then it is likely that the merchant accepts QRIS as well. Please tag payment:gpn_qris=yes and payment:id_gopay:gpn_qris=yes alongside payment:gopay_id=yes. For more information, please read the tagging notice at payment:gpn_qris.

If the merchant only accepts GoPay payments through Cashbac (payment:cashbac) or Parkee (payment:parkee_app), please do not use this key. Instead, please use the respective app-specific tags (payment:cashbac=yes, payment:parkee_app=yes).

payment:gopay_my GOPAY (Malaysia) homepage マレーシア. GOPAY is a digital wallet and payment service by ATX Distribution Sdn. Bhd

Not to be confused with:

  • GoPay, a digital wallet and payment service in Indonesia.
  • GoPay, a payment processing company based in Czech Republic.
  • GoPay, a cross-country fund transfer service aimed at university students.
payment:gpn_qris GPN QRIS press release by Bank Indonesia (English) インドネシア. Part of GPN (Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional) payment gateway, QRIS (QR Code Indonesia Standard) is a QR code-based payment system standard in Indonesia. As of 2020, major Indonesian digital wallets such as DANA (payment:dana) and LinkAja (payment:linkaja) support QRIS transactions between merchants and customers.

Use payment:gpn_qris=yes to indicate general QRIS acceptance through at least one payment provider. If the QRIS QR code was generated from a specific bank, digital wallet, or payment provider, please indicate them with payment:<payment_provider>:gpn_qris=yes, such as payment:id_gopay:gpn_qris=yes for GoPay (Gojek, Indonesia)-issued QRIS codes and payment:cimb_niaga:gpn_qris=yes for CIMB Niaga (Octo Mobile)-issued ones.

Unlike the case of SGQR (Singapore), You do not need to individually state which mobile banking or digital wallet apps which supports QRIS (such as payment:gpn_qris:id_gopay=yes) as the standard will be rolled and enforced to those apps, in a similar fashion to payment:mastercard and payment:visa.

payment:grabpay GrabPay Homepage in: Available in Southeast Asia countries.
  • In インドネシア, GrabPay has merged to OVO. All OVO merchants who publishes their OVO-Grab QR Code stickers are compatible with GrabPay (Indonesia). See payment:ovo for notes in tagging Indonesian GrabPay merchants.
  • In シンガポール, some SGQR (payment:sgqr) merchants do accept GrabPay.

Though sharing the same infrastructures and trademarks, GrabPay balances cannot be transferred across countries. However, they can still be created by using the same Grab account.

payment:huawei_pay Huawei Pay (en)

Huawei Pay (zh)



i.saku homepage (インドネシア語) インドネシアで使われています。 主に Indomaret の店舗で使われています。

If the merchant supports i.saku payments through QR codes, then it is likely that the merchant accepts QRIS as well, use payment:gpn_qris=yes, payment:isaku:gpn_qris=yes in addition.

For OttoPay-issued QR codes, do not use this tag. Instead, use payment:gpn_qris=yes, payment:ottopay:gpn_qris=yes and payment:ottopay=yes. For more information, please read the tagging notice at payment:gpn_qris.

payment:kaspro KASPRO homepage インドネシア

インドネシアで使われています。PAYPROと混同しないでください。 an earlier digital wallet and payment service issued by the same company (PT. Solusi Pasti Indonesia).

If the merchant supports KASPRO payments through KASPRO-issued QR codes, then it is likely that the merchant accepts QRIS as well. Please tag payment:gpn_qris=yes and payment:kaspro:gpn_qris=yes as well. For more information, please read the tagging notice at payment:gpn_qris.

payment:line_pay LINE Pay homepage (English) Available in multiple countries, ex. 台湾 Taiwan
  • 2019年にMandiri e-cash (Bank Mandiri)とLINE Payの提携はLinkAja (payment:linkaja)に統合されました。インドネシアではLINE Payを使うことができません。
  • LINE Payは台湾ではポピュラーな決済システムです。
  • 日本ではWeChatと提携しています(利用者がQRコードを読み取る方式)。
payment:jko_pay Jko Pay homepage 台湾 Jko Pay is a popular payment method in Taiwan.
payment:linkaja LinkAja homepage (Indonesian) インドネシア This service was formed as a merger of several former digital wallets: Mandiri e-cash (Bank Mandiri),My Pertamina (Pertamina), UnikQu/Yap (BNI), Tbank/My QR (BRI), T-CASH (Telkomsel), tmoney (Telkomsel, not to be confused with T-money stored-value cards in South Korea)
payment:maya Maya homepage フィリピン

Maya payments may be performed through a debit card or QR codes, which are shown either though an installed sticker or the Maya application. Mappers who wish to tag merchants accepting QR-based Maya payments should tag payment:mastercard_debit=yes and payment:visa_debit=yes as well.

payment:mbway MB Way homepage (pt) ポルトガルDigital wallet available to supported Multibanco cards. Customers pays though scanning a QR code or through contactless (Android and HarmonyOS NFC devices only) on a supported payment terminal, or by providing their associated number and accepting the payment request on their device. Some merchants accept MB Way by requiring the customer to send the accepted amount to their account by providing their number.
payment:mipay mipay homepage (zh) 中国
payment:nets_qr シンガポール NETS QR is a mobile app-based payment system that's natively supported by some banking apps. Similar to NETS Debit, it is linked to a supported bank card or bank account.

Not to be confused with NETS Debit (payment:nets), which is a card-based payment system.

payment:oplati Oplati homepage ベラルーシ

Oplati is Belarusian mobile payment and digital wallet service, including the payment of QR code (shops and road public transport) and virtual debit card (via NFC), P2P money transfers, operated by Belinvestbank OJSC. Able to cash-in and cash withdrawal in Belinvestbank's ATMs.

(shops & PT) (ATMs) (ATMs)
payment:ovo OVO homepage (Indonesian) インドネシア
payment:samsung_pay Samsung Pay homepage Available in multiple countries.
  • In 香港特別区, Samsung Pay can be linked with Octopus (stored-value card).
  • In インドネシア, Samsung Pay is currently integrated with DANA. See payment:dana for notes in tagging Indonesian merchants.
  • In 中国, Samsung Pay is integrated, and able to perform transactions with, Alipay and WeChat Pay.
payment:satispay Satispay on Wikipedia(it)

Satispay Pay homepage

イタリア, ドイツ and ルクセンブルク

Accepted in more than 180000 shops

payment:sgqr SGQR homepage シンガポール

QR code-based payment system standard in Singapore for use with digital wallets. Each SGQR merchants may choose to accept certain (not all) SGQR-compatible digital wallets, hence please do specify each accepted digital wallet when tagging the merchant.



ShopeePay Homepage in: インドネシア マレーシア フィリピン

In インドネシア, ShopeePay-issued QR codes are compatible with QRIS. Please tag payment:gpn_qris=yes and payment:shopeepay:gpn_qris=yes as well. For more information, please read the tagging notice at payment:gpn_qris.

payment:swish Swish on Wikipedia

Swish homepage

スウェーデン's largest mobile payment application
payment:touchngo Touch 'n Go eWallet homepage by TNG Digital Sdn Bhd マレーシア The Touch ‘n Go eWallet provides services such as reloads, payments, funds transfer, within Malaysia.
payment:twint TWINT homepage スイス
payment:venmo Venmo on Wikipedia A payment app offered by Paypal
payment:vipps Vipps on Wikipedia

Vipps homepage

ノルウェー's largest mobile payment application
payment:wechat WeChat pay homepage

WeChat Pay on Wikipedia (en)

Including the payment of QR code, face and electronic bus card in some city.

日本ではLINE Payと提携しています(利用者がQRコードを読み取る方式)。



Yukk homepage (Indonesian) インドネシア

If the merchant supports Yukk payments through Yukk-issued QRIS-labelled QR codes, then it is likely that the merchant accepts QRIS as well. Please tag payment:gpn_qris=yes and payment:yukk:gpn_qris=yes as well. For more information, please read the tagging notice at payment:gpn_qris.

payment:zip オーストラリア


キー 情報 コメント
payment:ebt Electronic benefit transfer on Wikipedia
payment:snap 補助的栄養支援プログラム(フードスタンプ) on Wikipedia
payment:wic Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children on Wikipedia

Indirect Payment / Wire transfer

キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:wire_transfer ウィキペディアの振込の記事 振込で支払うことができる場合 (例: SEPA)
payment:bank_transfer Possible duplicate of payment:wire_transfer
payment:invoice Payment can be done after receiving an invoice. Please specify the way the invoice can be paid for.



キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:paypay PayPay homepage 日本で使われているスマートフォン決済。
payment:nanaco nanaco homepage
payment:waon WAON homepage
payment:id iD homepage
payment:edy Edy homepage
payment:quicpay QUICPay homepage
payment:line_pay LINE Pay homepage
payment:merpay メルペイ homepage
payment:d_barai d払い homepage
payment:rakuten_pay 楽天ペイ homepage
payment:au_pay au PAY homepage


キー 情報 コメント Taginfo
payment:paypal PayPal on Wikipedia / PayPal homepage
payment:service_voucher Service vouchers on Wikipedia Called also "Titres-Services" (FR) or "Dienstencheques" (NL). Use payment:service_voucher=only with office=employment_agency to indicate offices that specialize in brokerage of services paid with these vouchers.
payment:meal_voucher Meal or luncheon vouchers が利用可能 Ticket Restaurantとも呼ばれます。雇用者が昼食に対して支払います。
payment:token Wikipedia の Token の記事 このキーは、クーポン、バウチャー、ギフト券、トークンコイン、 Jeton、ゲームトークン、電子またはセキュリティトークン(カード)を束ねる概念です。
payment:token_coin Token_coin on Wikipedia トークンコインが必要な場合に使います (駐車場からの出庫、洗車、有料トイレ、コインランドリーなど)
payment:gift_card Gift cards on Wikipedia
payment:account_cards Payment is possible with account cards. There is no specification in this key of which cards are accepted exactly. So as this is very unspecific, whenever possible, try to use another more-specific key (for example payment:calling_cards=yes when you want to indicate that payment with calling cards via dial-in number is possible) or add a description of which types of cards are accepted.
payment:szep ハンガリー Széchenyi electronic vacation voucher Called "Széchenyi Pihenőkártya" (literally Széchenyi leisure card) or "SZÉP kártya" for short, given by employers to pay for leisure and catering. Many restaurants and hotels accept it. If you know whether a given issuer is accepted, please indicate: payment:szep=otp;kh;mkb
payment:posta_paletta ハンガリー Posta Paletta voucher Called "Posta Paletta utalvány" (literally Posta Paletta voucher) given by employers for gift/school/culture/sport/clothing. It is a printed voucher on paper.
payment:edenred_card ハンガリー Edenred electronic voucher Called "Edenred kártya" (literally Edenred card) given by employers for shopping/meal/gift/school/culture/sport/clothing. It is a plastic card.
payment:edenred_voucher ハンガリー Edenred utalvány voucher Called "Edenred utalvány" (literally Edenred voucher) given by employers for shopping/gift/school. It is printed on paper.
payment:otp_cafeteria ハンガリー OTP Cafeteria electronic voucher Called "OTP Cafeteria kártya" (literally OTP Cafeteria card) given by employers for shopping/gift/school/culture/sport. It is a plastic card.
payment:multipay ハンガリー Multi-Pay Cafeteria electronic voucher Called "Multi-Pay Cafeteria kártya" (literally Multi-Pay Cafeteria card) given by employers for health/meal/gift/school/culture/sport/fuel. It is a plastic card.
payment:museumkaart オランダ Museumkaart (homepage) Grants free access to many, if not most, Dutch museums. The holder pays an annual flat fee instead. The Museumkaart was known as the MuseumJaarKaart until 2003. This tag replaces fee=MJK_free.
payment:u-key U-Key on Wikipedia よく amenity=vending_machine と組み合わせて使われます。
payment:none 料金が不要な場合に使います。このタグは非推奨です。代わりに fee=no を使用してください。


  • payment:others=no – このタグを使用することで支払い方法が全て入力されていて、他の支払い方法が利用できないことを示します。支払い方法が全て入力されている場合に使用してください。もしこのタグを使用する場合は、重複になるので個別に payment:XXX=no を使わないでください。


In some cases, it can be helpful to add information about the accepted denominations of features that are tagged with payment:cash=*, payment:coins=* or payment:notes=*, This is mainly the case for vending machines that have this information printed on them. But there are also some shops that, for example, don't accept notes in the highest denominations. As for most information in OSM, only information should be added that doesn't change too often and is easy to verify on the ground (e.g. signed). The approved tags are


その要素が位置している国の公式な通貨が使えると推定されるので、そのことをタグで明示する必要はありません。その他の通貨を受け入れている場合、通貨の 3文字のコード をキーの末尾につけてください。例:

どの通貨が (すべての決済手段で) 使えるかの情報を示すには、次のようにタグ付けします:

  • currency:EUR=yes/no 使える通貨すべてについて。
  • currency:others=no 通貨のリストが完全であること(他の通貨は使用できないこと)を示します。


さらに複雑な状況を表すには、description:payment=* タグで情報を追加してください。可能であれば、description:payment:en=* タグを使って英語訳を記入してください。


  • fee=yes/no/interval - サービスの利用やアクセスに料金が必要かどうかを示す、より基本的なタグです。
  • toll=* - 道路、橋、フェリー、その他のウェイを利用するのに通行料が必要かどうかを示します。
  • self_checkout=* - セルフレジが設置されているかを示します。