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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Bike Stalfur
is a bicyclist.
OsmAnd icon Stalfur uses OsmAnd, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
Flag of Iceland.svg Stalfur has mapped in Iceland.
Flag of Botswana.svg Stalfur has mapped in Botswana.
JOSM Stalfur submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Public-images-osm logo.svg I support OSM by being a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Are you?
Twitter user Stalfur tweets as @johannesbirgir
iD Stalfur submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
MAPS.ME Stalfur uses MAPS.ME
Pear Leaf icon.jpg Stalfur uses Leaflet, a JavaScript library for interactive maps.
Overpass-turbo.svg Stalfur uses Overpass turbo, an OSM database search tool, and is willing to advise on it
Mapillary Stalfur takes photos for Mapillary as Stalfur.

I focus on Iceland mostly but started up the Mapping Botswana project as well.

Had a custom cap made for me in Icelandic to promote while mapping.
