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為安全且快速地疏導車流所設計的高容量道路。 編輯此說明
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組: 道路

highway=motorway 用來標示境內的最高等級道路。這個標籤值只用於標記[W] 封閉式道路,或少數[W] 半封閉式道路。在台灣,只有高速公路會被加上此標記;在香港,僅在此表中的「快速道路」可加上此標記。


符合以下幾點的半封閉式道路也可以被標記為 highway=motorway

  • 無路口控制(如交通號誌、圓環、停止標誌等),類似封閉式道路的設計
  • 具有一定規模的中央分隔島,且單向至少有雙線道
  • 具有僅供服務用途的匝道,例如連接非住宅區、基礎設施、或休息區的服務道路,常見於郊區或鄉村環境。

如有不符合上述條件的道路,請考慮依據使用 highway=trunk。有關不同國家如何使用 highway=motorway 的介紹,請參閱#各國高速公路

在地圖中通往(或離開)highway=motorway 的道路、匝道或坡道,必須使用 highway=motorway_link 來標記。如果兩條不同的高速公路之間是主支線或十字交會的關係,用於連接它們的道路也必須標記為 highway=motorway_link,換句話說,兩條不同的高速公路並不會直接相連。



雖然大多數國家的高速公路的兩側都會有[W] 路肩,但你還是可以使用 shoulder=no 來標示沒有路間的高速公路。如果高速公路使用的是避車彎而非路肩,請使用 highway=emergency_bay 來標記。

有些地區會允許行人或自行車在路肩通行,如果考慮這個特例,手動把其他高速公路加上 foot=nobicycle=noshoulder=yes 來區別也不是一件壞事。


highway=motorway; lanes=4; oneway=yes; ref=A4

高速公路一般會以兩條連續的平行道路呈現,每個單向行車道以 highway=motorway 標記,並應以 oneway=yes 標記單一通行方向。有極少數的特例是高速公路的單一行車道會提供車流雙向通行,這時候就需要用 oneway=no 來標記。



highway=motorway 的標記方式
標籤 說明 範例
name=* 高速公路的名稱 福爾摩沙高速公路
ref=* 國家公路系統中的道路編號 3
oneway=yes 參見 #如何繪製
lanes=* 車道數 3
maxspeed=* 法定最高限速(公里每小時) 110
minspeed=* 法定最低限速(公里每小時) 60
destination=* 高速公路通往的城鎮名。一般寫於該匝道的地名指示標誌上。 桃園
carriageway_ref=* 英國高速公路的行車道編號
toll=yes 使用在收費路段上
winter_service=* 高速公路在冬季時是否開放

如果需要標記高速公路沿線的出口編號,可以使用 highway=motorway_junction 標記。


國家 道路標示 描述 更多資訊
澳大利亞 Motorways, freeways, and freeway-like roads. Australian Tagging Guidelines/Roads
奧地利 Autobahn WikiProject Austria/Autobahnen
白羅斯 Дорога для автомобилей.png Дарога для аўтамабіляў RU:Map Features:highway
比利時 Autosnelweg/Autoroute/Autobahn NL: Autostrade/autosnelweg, FR: Autoroute, DE: Autobahn WikiProject Belgium/Motorways

WikiProject Belgium/Conventions/Highways

巴西 Autoestradas, >80 km/h
保加利亞 Автомагистрала Автомагистрала (Avtomagistrala) Bg:WikiProject Bulgaria/Пътна мрежа
中國 (Mainland) 高速公路 (Expressway)
克羅埃西亞 Autocesta
捷克 Dálnice Dálnice Cs:WikiProjekt Česko/Značení silnic
丹麥 Motorvej Motorvej Danish Map Features
多明尼加 Autopista
法國 France road sign C207.svg Autoroute (A) : separated roads with at least 2 lanes per direction, plus a right shoulder (emergency lane, for cars to stop, or for emergency vehicles access during traffic jams).
  • Most autoroutes are privately operated and require passing a toll for long distance, but some sections in specific areas may be toll free.
  • Max speed is usually 130 km/h (110 km/h under raining, and reduced further under bad conditions like snow/freeze/fog) but may be reduced to 110 km/h (100 km/h under raining) or lower around large cities or autoroute junctions, and reduced to 90 km/h or lower near some construction or if traffic is temporarily rerouted to a single bidirectional carriage using a single lane per direction.
  • Access (or crossing) is strictly forbidden for pedestrians and non/light motorized vehicles (except in designated service areas with parkings where max speed is reduced). Car drivers at foot must stay behind the protection barriers (along autoroutes, on right), when waiting for emergency, or to walk to the nearest emergency phone.
Fr:Map Features
喬治亞 Autobahn ავტობანი (avtobani)
德國 Autobahn Autobahn WikiProject Germany/Autobahn
希臘 Αυτοκινητόδρομος Αυτοκινητόδρομος WikiProject Greece/Motorways
香港 Hong Kong expressway sign.svg HK Tunnel.svg Designated expressways, road tunnels and tunnel areas. Zh-hant:Hong Kong tagging
匈牙利 Autópálya Autópálya WikiProject Hungary/Gyorsforgalmi út
印度尼西亞 Indonesia road sign (Guide) 4a.svg Jalan Tol
Freeway in Iran.png
The Freeways according to the definition of Iranian National Standardization Organization.
以色列 Dálnice Kwish Mahir
義大利 Autostrada Autostrada, compresi i raccordi autostradali come le tangenziali di Milano e il Grande Raccordo Anulare di Roma. It:Italian Roads Tagging
日本 Japan road sign 325.svg Expressways or motor roads. Normally divided with 2 or more lanes in each direction.


Korean Highway 3.svg Divided, grade-separated highway with 2 or more lanes in each direction designated by a red and blue shield (toll roads). Also, some National Routes (blue oval) which have been upgraded to Motorway status (toll-free). Ko:Map Features
Korea Motorways
馬來西亞 Expressway logo.png Lebuhraya: usually tolled. Expressway section of the Malaysian_Roads_Tagging page
荷蘭 Autosnelweg NL:The Netherlands roads tagging
紐西蘭 Motorway begins nz -vector.svg
Expressway begins nz -vector.svg
Motorways and expressways
Divided highway with 2 or more lanes in each direction. Grade-separated interchanges (no at-grade intersections, traffic lights or roundabouts). Generally 100 or 110 km/h speed limit.
挪威 NO road sign 502.svg Motorvei No:Map_Features#Road_classes
菲律賓 Expressways (mostly tolled).
Examples include the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX), South Luzon Expressway (SLEX), Metro Manila Skyway, Subic - Clark - Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX), Tarlac - Pangasinan - La Union Expressway (TPLEX), Manila - Cavite Expressway (CAVITEX/Coastal Road), etc.
Philippines/Mapping conventions#Roads
波蘭 Autostrada Autostrada WikiProject Poland/Klasyfikacja dróg
葡萄牙 Autostrada Autoestrada – all the motorways with "A" reference. For example: A 25. Portugal's highways standardization
羅馬尼亞 Romania road sign G6.svg [W] Autostradă
俄羅斯 RU road sign 5.1.svg автомагистраль (avtomagistral'), которая уже имеет статус trunk. RU:Map Features:highway
斯洛伐克 DiaľnicaRýchlostná cesta Diaľnica & Rýchlostná cesta
斯洛維尼亞 Avtocesta WikiProject_Slovenia/Ceste#AC, HC - Avtoceste in Hitre ceste
西班牙 Autopista/Autovía WikiProject Spain/Autopista Normalización
瑞典 Motorväg Sv:Map Features#Vägar
瑞士 Autobahn Autobahn / autoroute
中華民國 國道 (Freeway) WikiProject Taiwan/Taiwan tagging
土耳其 OtoyolLevhaGenis.png Otoyol Vikipedi(turkish) Motorway network in Turkey. Highways in use, under construction and projected Tr:Turkey roads tagging
英國 UK traffic sign 2901.svg motorway
美國 See: US Highway Classification Guide for motorway.
委內瑞拉 Only some freeways (called "Autopista"): Dual carriageway highways divided by a physical divider with 2 or more lanes in each direction, directly connected to national roads, strictly limited access by ramps that allow speed reduction outside the main carriageway. Must not have same-level crossroads, traffic lights, roundabouts, or u-turn ramps that merge on the left-lane (usually called "Retorno").[1]

There should be no streets or roads that connect directly to the highway if it is not through a well-defined ramp. There should also be no buildings or properties adjacent to the highway or any of its access ramps.

Legally 90 km/h speed limit.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Reglamento de la Ley de Tránsito Terrestre (Road-transit Law Regulation), Venezuela, 1998-06-26.