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OpenStreetMap neturi jokių apribojimų elementų žymėms, priskirtoms (Taškams Node, Keliams Way ar Ryšiams Relation). Jūs galite naudoti bet kokią žymę, jei jos reikšmė yra patikrinama. Šaip ar taip, geriau yra naudoti rekomenduojamą žymių ir reikšmių rinkinį tam, kad galima būtų sukurti, interpretuoti ir išvaizduoti bendrą visiems suprantamą žemėlapį. Šiame puslapyje aprašyti pagrindiniai žemėlapio požymių rinkiniai ir atitinkamos jų reikšmės.

Jeigu nerandate reikalingo požymio, paieškokite siūlomuose požymiuose, o sugrupuotiems elementams ieškokite ryšiuose. Ten rasite aprašytus visus požymius bei galite pasiūlyti naują.

Apie išvaizdavimą:

  • Naudojant nurodytas žymes tikėtina, kad objektai bus pavaizduoti pagal pateiktą pavyzdį. Vis dėl to, nėra jokios garantijos, kad nurodyta žymė bus atvaizduota. Specifiniai niuansai, kaip objektai yra atvaizduojami Mapnik ir Osmarender sluoksniuose, aprašyti Symbol Rendering.
  • Yra daugybė žymių, kurios atvaizduojamos žemėlapiuose, bet nėra aprašytos. Šis sąrašas nėra papildytas visomis naudojamomis žymėmis.
  • Stulpelyje 'Rendering' pateiktas pavyzdys, kaip galėtų atrodyti objektas su atitinkamu požymiu. Šis sąrašas nenurodo, kaip turi atrodyti objektai šiame arkituose žemėlapiuose.

Lentelės yra sugrupuotos pagal bendrą temą, dažniau naudojamos aukščiau.

Žemėlapio Ypatybės


=== Greitkeliai ===

Kelią galima įvesti naudojant kortelę "highway". Žemiau pateikiamos kategorijos.

Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto


This group lists the 7 main tags for the road network, from most to least functionally important for motor vehicle traffic.

highway motorway way Automagistralė/Greitkelis
Rendering-highway motorway neutral.png
  • Morgendlicher Berufsverkehr auf der BAB A8 beim Kreuz Stuttgart - panoramio.jpg
highway trunk way Magistraliniai keliai (užsienyje – greitkeliai) ir gatvės
Rendering-highway trunk carto.png
  • A55 trunk road looking east - - 932668.jpg
  • Cat and Fiddle Road, England
highway primary way Krašto kelias/Pagrindinės miesto gatvės
Rendering-highway primary neutral.png
  • Hunsrückhöhenstraße, Kappel, Germany
  • Tanami Road, Australia
highway secondary way Rajoninis asfaltuotas kelias(naudototi su surface=paved) Antros reikšmės pagrindinės gatvės.
Rendering-highway secondary neutral.png
  • L134, Meyenburg, Schwanewede, Germany
  • Vatnsnesvegur, Iceland
highway tertiary way Rajoninis neasfaltuotas kelias. Naudototi su surface=unpaved. Mieste - šalutinės gatvės.
Rendering-highway tertiary neutral.png
  • Bergedorfer Straße, Worpswede, Germany
  • Canol Road, Yukon, Canada
highway unclassified way Valstybiniams keliams (krašto, rajoniniams) nepriklausantis kelias, taip pat šalutinė gatvė. Neasfaltuotiems ruožams naudoti surface=unpaved
Rendering-highway unclassified.png
  • Sentiero 00, Cantagallo, Tuscany, Italy
  • Kuskealleen, Vordingborg, Denmark
highway residential way Gatvė, einanti per nuosavų namų kvartalus
Rendering-highway residential.png
  • Taman Ria Terrace.jpg
  • Main Street, Elko, Nevada, USA

Link roads

highway motorway_link way Automagistralės/Greitkelio nuovaža
Rendering-highway motorway link.png
A5 exit link to A672, Darmstadt, Germany
highway trunk_link way Magistralinių kelių nuovaža
Rendering-highway trunk link.png
A7 / OAL23 interchange, Nesselwang, Germany
highway primary_link way Krašto kelio/Pagrindinės miesto gatvės nuovaža
Rendering-highway primary link.png
B20 exit and entrance to Brunn, Fridolfing, Germany
highway secondary_link way Trečios reikšmės, rajoninių kelių rampa
Rendering-highway secondary link.png
highway tertiary_link way Mažos reikšmės kelio rampa.
Rendering-highway tertiary link.png

Special road types

highway living_street way Gyvenamosios zonos gatvė. Gali eiti per daugiabučių kiemus ir nuosavų namų kvartalus.
Living street osm.png
beginning of a living street with a paving stones surface and some trees and cars parking at the sides
highway service way area Speciali gatvė, skirta privažiuoti prie pastato ar daugiabučių kiemo. Konkrečiam naudojimui naudoti - service=*
Rendering-highway service.png
Alley leading from the High Street to Green Lane Shopping Centre - - 942796.jpg
highway pedestrian way area Pėsčiųjų gatvė
Pedestrian with area osm.png
Cambridge Rd - - 1189572.jpg
highway track way Transporto priemonių/pėsčiųjų suformuotos važiavimo/ėjimo trasos
Rendering-highway track.png
  • Frühlingslandschft Aaretal Schweiz.jpg
  • Asphalt track.jpg
highway bus_guideway way Autobusams ant bėgių (Guided Bus)
Rendering-highway-bus guideway-mapnik.png
Bus track.jpg
highway escape way For runaway truck ramps, runaway truck lanes, emergency escape ramps, or truck arrester beds. It enables vehicles with braking failure to safely stop.
highway raceway way Lenktynių trasa
Fuji Speedway start-finish.jpg
highway road way Nežinomos kategorijos kelias/gatvė
highway busway way A dedicated roadway for bus rapid transit systems
grade-seperated section of busway outside of station

Takai/Keliai ne automobilių transportui

highway footway way area Takas pritaikytas pėstiesiems/Pėsčiųjų takas.
Rendering-highway footway.png
Footway in Stowupland - - 1044849.jpg
highway bridleway way Jojimui (pvz. su žirgais) skirtas kelias
Rendering-highway bridleway.png
highway steps way Laiptai
Rendering-highway steps.png
Escalinata del Calvario de Toluca.jpg
highway corridor way For a hallway inside of a building.
HK TST Star House mall corridor interior shop signs Sept-2012.JPG
highway path way Nepravažiuojamas kelias
Path osm.png
Forest path and trees.jpg
highway via_ferrata way A via ferrata is a route equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, and bridges in order to increase ease and security for climbers. These via ferrata require equipment : climbing harness, shock absorber and two short lengths of rope, but do not require a long rope as for climbing.
Mauerlaeufer ueberhang.jpg

When sidewalk/crosswalk is tagged as a separate way

footway sidewalk way Sidewalk that runs typically along residential road. Use in combination with highway=footway or highway=path
Rendering-highway footway.png
200806 Berlin 91sidewalk.jpg
footway crossing way Pėsčiųjų perėja.
Rendering-highway footway.png
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
footway traffic_island way The way between two crossings, safespot for pedestrians, has micromapping characteristics as a detailed alternative to =*. Use in combination with highway=footway or highway=path.
Rendering-highway footway.png

When sidewalk (or pavement) is tagged on the main roadway (see Sidewalks)

sidewalk both | left | right | no way Specifies that the highways has sidewalks on both sides, on one side or no sidewalk at all
Sidewalk and zebra-crossing.jpg

When cycleway is drawn as its own way (see Bicycle)

highway cycleway way Dviračių takas. Jeigu pėsčiųjų/dviračių takas naudoti - foot=designated.
Cycleway osm.png
Separated cycleway with traffic sign

Cycleway tagged on the main roadway or lane (see Bicycle)

cycleway lane way A lane is a route that lies within the roadway
Fietsstrook Herenweg Oudorp.jpg
cycleway opposite way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions. Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no.
Sul bxl 01.JPG
cycleway opposite_lane way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling lane going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" lane). Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=lane/cycleway:right=lane + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
France road sign C24a-2.svg
cycleway track way A track provides a route that is separated from traffic. In the United States, this term is often used to refer to bike lanes that are separated from lanes for cars by pavement buffers, bollards, parking lanes, and curbs. Note that a cycle track may alternatively be drawn as a separate way next to the road which is tagged as highway=cycleway.
Cycle nexttoroad.jpg
cycleway opposite_track way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling track going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow. Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=track/cycleway:right=track + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
549c Spitzenkiel140923.jpg
cycleway share_busway way There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use.
cycleway opposite_share_busway way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a bus lane that cyclists are also permitted to use, and which go in the opposite direction to normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" bus lane). Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=share_busway/cycleway:right=share_busway + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg
cycleway shared_lane way Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, there are markings reminding about this. In some places these markings are known as "sharrows" ('sharing arrows') and this is the tag to use for those.
Sharrows Toronto 2011.jpg

Busways tagged on the main roadway or lane (see Bus lanes)

busway lane way Deprecated variant to tag bus lanes. Replaced by bus/psv lane tagging lanes:bus=* / lanes:psv=*) / bus:lanes=* / psv:lanes=*
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg
busway opposite way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes where buses are legally permitted to travel in both directions. Replaced by oneway:bus=no
busway opposite_lane way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a bus lane which go in the opposite direction to normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" bus lane). Replaced by oneway:bus=no and lanes:bus=* / lanes:psv=*) / bus:lanes=* / psv:lanes=*

Street parking tagged on the main roadway (see Street parking)

parking:left / :right / :both
(hereafter: parking:side)
lane | street_side | on_kerb | half_on_kerb | shoulder | no | separate | yes way Primary key to record parking along the street. Describes the parking position of parked vehicles in the street.
Darby Street Pre-Shared Space Change.jpg
parking:sideorientation=* parallel | diagonal | perpendicular way To specify the orientation of parked vehicles if there is street parking.

Statomi/planuojami keliai (see also lifecycle prefixes)

highway proposed way Planuojama/projektuojama gatvė.
highway construction way Statomas kelias.
Rendering-highway construction tertiary carto.png
different colours
The T12 link road to Wilmore Road under construction - - 4452080.jpg


abutters commercial | industrial | mixed | residential | retail etc. way See Key:abutters for more details.
Microsoft Germany Headquarters Munich.jpg
bicycle_road yes way A bicycle road is a road designated for bicycles. If residential streets get the status of bicycle roads, normally, by special signs, motor traffic is admitted with limited speed, often only for residents.
bus_bay both | left | right way A bus bay outside the main carriageway for boarding/alighting
change yes | no | not_right | not_left | only_right | only_left way Specify the allowed/forbidden lane changes
Only Only Only (49884679761).jpg
destination <place name of destination> way Destination when following a linear feature
Japanese Road sign (Direction and Lane A).svg
embankment yes | dyke way A dyke or a raised bank to carry a road, railway, or canal across a low-lying or wet area.
Green River Trail - Desimone Levee 01.jpg
embedded_rails yes | <type of railway> way A highway on which non-railway traffic is also allowed has railway tracks embedded in it but the rails are mapped as separate ways.
Ruusulankatu tram rails (at lat 60.18206, lon 24.92450) heading NW.jpg
ford yes node way w:lt:Brasta
Ford across Ai river.jpg
ice_road yes way Kelias einantis per užšąlančius vandens telkinius arba keliais, kuriais galima susisiekti tik žiemą.
Pechora crossing.jpg
incline Number % | ° | up | down node way Įkalnė. Incline.
junction roundabout way closed way Žiedinė sankryža (Transportinis žiedas). Vienpusis eismas pagal nutylėjimą. Nereikalinga nurodyti oneway=*
2008 03 12 - UMD - Roundabout viewed from Art Soc Bldg 4b.JPG
lanes <number> way Galima nurodyti kiek juostų turi kelias/gatvė
NLEx 6 Lanes.jpg
lane_markings yes | no way Specifies if a highway has painted markings to indicate the position of the lanes.
lit yes | no nodewayarea Galima nurodyti ar kelias/gatvė turi apšvietimą
Berlin speer-leuchte.jpg
maxspeed <number> way Specifies the maximum legal speed limit on a road, railway or waterway.
Zeichen 274-60 - Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit, StVO 2017.svg
motorroad yes | no way node Žymi, kad kelias turi automagistralės atributus, bet yra žemesnės kategorijos nei automagistralė. Lietuvoje - greitkeliai (automobilių keliai, kurių didžiausias ribojamas greitis - 110 km)
Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg
mountain_pass yes node Žymimas aukščiausias taškas kalnų perėjoje
Mountain pass-8.svg
Mountain pass.jpg
mtb:scale 0-6 way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A classification scheme for mtb trails (few inclination and downhill).
Difficulty gauge for the grants process.png
mtb:scale:uphill 0-5 way A classification scheme for mtb trails for going uphill if there is significant inclination.
Difficulty gauge for the grants process.png
mtb:scale:imba 0-4 way The IMBA Trail Difficulty Rating System shall be used for bikeparks. It is adapted to mtb trails with artificial obstacles.
mtb:description Text way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A key to input variable infos related to mtbiking on a way with human words
oneway yes | no | reversible way Oneway streets are streets where you are only allowed to drive in one direction.
oneway:bicycle yes | no | way Used on ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions.
Sul bxl 01.JPG
overtaking yes | no | caution | both | forward | backward way Galima kelio ruožui nurodyti ar galima lenkti
parking:lane parallel | diagonal | perpendicular | marked | no_parking | no_stopping | fire_lane. way Deprecated variant to map parking along streets. See section on street parking above or the street parking page for more details.
parking:condition free | ticket | disc | residents | customers | private way Deprecated variant to map parking conditions along streets. See section on street parking above or the street parking page for more details.
2013.11.01.104926 Parking sign Kilauea Avenue Hilo Hawaii.jpg
passing_places yes way A way which has frequent passing places (See also: highway=passing_place)
priority forward | backward way Traffic priority for narrow parts of roads, e.g. narrow bridges.
Vienna Convention road sign B6.svg
priority_road designated | yes_unposted | end way Specifying roads signposted as priority roads.
Vienna Convention road sign B3-V1.svg
sac_scale strolling | hiking | mountain_hiking | demanding_mountain_hiking | alpine_hiking | demanding_alpine_hiking | difficult_alpine_hiking way Applies to highway=path and highway=footway. A classification scheme for hiking trails.
Adventurous Mountain Hikes (Unsplash).jpg
service alley | driveway | parking_aisle etc. way See Key:service for more details.
Seattle - alley north from S Jackson between Western & 1st - A.jpg
shoulder no | yes | right | both | left way Presence of shoulder in highway
15-05-23-Berlin-Sachsendamm-Tesla-RalfR-N3S 7354.jpg
smoothness excellent | good | intermediate | bad | very_bad | horrible | very_horrible | impassable way area Specifies the physical usability of a way for wheeled vehicles due to surface regularity/flatness. See Key:smoothness for more details.
Jena Track roots.jpg
surface paved | unpaved | asphalt | concrete | paving_stones | sett | cobblestone | metal | wood | compacted | fine_gravel | gravel | pebblestone | plastic | grass_paver | grass | dirt | earth | mud | sand | ground way See Key:surface for more details.
Transportation in Tanzania Traffic problems.JPG
tactile_paving yes | no node way area A paving in the ground to be followed with a blindman's stick.
Tactile paving.jpg
tracktype grade1 | grade2 | grade3 | grade4 | grade5 way To describe the quality of the surface. See Key:tracktype for more information.
Surface grade1.jpg
traffic_calming bump | hump | table | island | cushion | yes | etc. node way Features used to slow down traffic. See Key:traffic calming for more details.
Ležeći policajac 016.jpg
trail_visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no way Applies to highway=path, highway=footway, highway=cycleway and highway=bridleway. A classification for hiking trails visibility
Trail visibility good.jpg
trailblazed yes | no | poles | cairns | symbols way Applies to highway=*. Describing trail blazing and marking. See Key:trailblazed for more information.
Trail blazing 10.jpg
trailblazed:visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no way Applies to trailblazed=*. A classification for visibility of trailblazing. See Key:trailblazed:visibility for more information.
turn left | slight_left | through | right | slight_right | merge_to_left | merge_to_right | reverse way The key turn can be used to specify the direction in which a way or a lane will lead.
Zeichen 297 - Richtungspfeile, StVO 1970.svg
width <number> way The width of a feature.
Height demonstration diagram.png
winter_road yes way A highway functions during winter, probably can't be driven in summer.
Anuisk bilibino sever66.jpg

Kitos ypatybės

highway bus_stop node Autobusų stotelė
Bus stop.12.svg
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
highway crossing node A.k.a. crosswalk. Pedestrians can cross a street here; e.g., zebra crossing
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
highway cyclist_waiting_aid node Street furniture for cyclists that are intended to make waiting at esp. traffic lights more comfortable.
Cyclist footrest 01 Flickr SDOT Photos.jpg
highway elevator node way An elevator or lift, used to travel vertically, providing passenger and freight access between pathways at different floor levels.
highway emergency_bay node way An area beside a highway where you can safely stop your car in case of breakdown or emergency.
France road sign C8.svg
highway emergency_access_point node Sign number which can be used to define your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN. See also emergency=access_point
Anfahrpunkt für Rettungsfahrzeuge HP 108 Alter Lorscher Weg 102 1235.jpg
highway give_way node A "give way," or "Yield" sign
Give way.jpg
emergency phone node A calling device can be used to tell on your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN
Emergency push-button telephone, Warsaw.jpg
highway ladder nodeway A vertical or inclined set of steps or rungs intended for climbing or descending of a person with the help of hands.
Wooden ladder to the small cave, Hurkutstein.jpg
highway milestone node Highway location marker
highway mini_roundabout node Nedidelė žiedinė sankryža.
highway motorway_junction node Išvažiavimas iš kelio.
Dscf0242 600.jpg
highway passing_place node The location of a passing space
highway platform node way area A platform at a bus stop or station.
Rendering-highway railway platform line.png
Bayview trstwy.jpg
highway rest_area node area Place where drivers can leave the road to rest, but not refuel.
Wentworth terrain.jpg
highway services node area Speciali gatvė, skirta privažiuoti prie degalinės ar kitos įstaigos.
Mapping Features Motorway service area.jpg
De lucht.jpg
highway speed_camera node A fixed road-side or overhead speed camera.
Speed Camera - - 399358.jpg
highway speed_display node A dynamic electronic sign that displays the speed of the passer-by motorist.
Standard radar sign.jpg
highway stop node Stop ženklas
STOP sign.jpg
highway street_lamp node A street light, lamppost, street lamp, light standard, or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night
2014 Kłodzko, ul. Grottgera 14.JPG
highway toll_gantry node A toll gantry is a gantry suspended over a way, usually a motorway, as part of a system of electronic toll collection. For a toll booth with any kind of barrier or booth see: barrier=toll_booth
CR0344eRoad-MM4-TollGantry (29081629762).jpg
highway traffic_mirror node Mirror that reflects the traffic on one road when direct view is blocked.
highway traffic_signals node Šviesoforas
Traffic light-16.svg
highway trailhead node Designated place to start on a trail or route
Ancient Lakes Trailhead - panoramio.jpg
highway turning_circle node A turning circle is a rounded, widened area usually, but not necessarily, at the end of a road to facilitate easier turning of a vehicle. Also known as a cul de sac.
Turning circle.jpg
highway turning_loop node A widened area of a highway with a non-traversable island for turning around, often circular and at the end of a road.
Turning circle - - 991834.jpg
highway User Defined node way All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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Linear barriers

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Access control on highways

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Dviračių takai

To describe infrastructure designed mainly for cyclists. See also: Cycle routes.

Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Foto

Dedicated bicycle lanes

lane way A bicycle lane is an inherent part of the road itself. It has no physical separation from the other lanes except the painting on the road. In North America, known as a class II bicycle facility. Notably, there is no curb between the cycle lane and the road.

Some countries have two different types of cycle lanes:

  • one with a strict segregation that is reserved exclusively to cyclists and
  • one with a soft segregation, usually a dashed line.

To distinguish between these two types of cycle lanes, the cycle lane can additionally be tagged with cycleway:lane=exclusive or cycleway:lane=advisory respectively.

Cycle lane, Ormeau Embankment, Belfast (August 2014) - - 4129897.jpg

Shared bicycle lanes

shared_lane way Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, and there are markings (like sharrows) indicating that motorists and cyclists should share this lane.

The road markings are usually there to highlight a cycle route or to remind drivers that you can cycle there.

Picto corridor Praha Vršovická.jpg
share_busway way A special lane reserved for public transport on which cyclists are also allowed to bike.
Bus lane Paris 2014.JPG

Bicycle tracks

track way A cycle track is separated from the road by curbs, parking lots, grass verges, trees, bollards or another physical barrier, but is running parallel and next to the road. In North America this is called a protected bike lane, separated bike lane, greenway, green lane, or class IV facility.[1]

Alternatively, consider mapping cycle tracks as a separate way next to the road tagged as highway=cycleway (or highway=path + bicycle=designated in case of shared foot- and bicycle ways). Both methods each have their pros and cons: While adding a single tag to an existing way takes less time and still often describes the cycle track accurately, a separately tagged cycle way is generally more flexible and allows to capture more detail (note here that higher complexity increases the potential for routing errors). Add cycleway=separate to the highway if a cycle track is mapped separately (see below).

In the USA, general practice is to use this tag when the bike lane is protected by parking with or without bollards/flex posts. E.g. the parking lane is between the vehicle travel lane and the bike lane. Where the bike lane is bi-directional and protected by bollards, general practice has been to draw this bike lane as a separate way even if it is not vertically separated from the vehicle travel lanes.

Fietspad PeeWee32.jpg
separate way Should be used to indicate that a cycle track associated with a highway has been mapped as a separate OSM element (i.e., is tagged with highway=cycleway). Meaning is similar to the use of sidewalk=separate for footways, and can potentially be used when simplifying geometries for rendering. It also acts as a hint to avoid duplicating an existing cycleway by adding cycleway=track to a highway. Don't confuse with segregated=yes.

No bicycle infrastructure

no way Explicitly marks that a street has no bicycle infrastructure. This allows to explicitly note that the road was surveyed for bicycle infrastructure.
Cyclist on Buncrana Road - - 5683688.jpg

Other bicycle infrastructure

crossing way Used on separately mapped paths to indicate that it's a bicycle crossing.
Cyclist crossing on Dunhua South Road, Taipei City 20080805.jpg
shoulder way Used to indicate that a road has no designated infrastructure for cyclists, but shoulders (a.k.a. breakdown lanes) are navigable and legal to cycle on. Especially on rural roads with high speed limits, the existence of a shoulder usable by cyclists can make the difference whether the road is usable at all (semi-)safely for cyclists. Not every shoulder=* is automatically usable for cyclists: Some shoulders are used for parking (parking=shoulder) instead, not all shoulders are paved (with asphalt, e.g. grass pavers). Additionally, shoulder=yes is typically only mapped for shoulders that are broad enough to accommodate a car. For cyclists however, a less wide shoulder is fine, too.
link way A connector between OSM segments for cycle traffic, for example to connect a separately mapped cycle path to a junction on the opposite side. Serves primarily as a routing aid and does not necessarily have to be identifiable as built infrastructure.
Cycleway link.jpg
traffic_island way Used on the parts of refugee islands of a cycleway=crossing.
asl node Indicates an advanced stop line or bike box at junctions. Use cycleway=asl on a node node forming part of the road's way, located at the position of the secondary stop line. Consider adding direction=forward or direction=backward for an explicitly reference to the closest junction that a ASL relates to and thus the direction of traffic that it applies to.
Cyclist advanced stop line Liverpool.jpg

Deprecated or discouraged tags



Formerly used in one-way roads before oneway:bicycle=* was used. See below how to map bicycle infrastructure in one-way roads.
shared Formerly used on cycleways which were mapped as separate ways tagged as highway=cycleway before the segregated=* tag was formalized. Its use with highway=cycleway is now considered obsolete.

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Tako tipai

Tako tipai

Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto
tracktype grade1 way Asfaltuotas vidutinės kokybės takas.
Cesta od Leštiny do Lipnice nad Sázavou (2).jpg
tracktype grade2 way Neasfaltuotas takas. Danga - žvyras arba smėlis.
Tracktype grade2.jpg
tracktype grade3 way Neasfaltuotas takas. Danga - žemės, smėlis, žvyras. Suformuotas keturračio transporto.
Tracktype grade3.jpg
tracktype grade4 way Neasfaltuotas takas. Kelias dažnai gali būti naudojamas traktorių ar kt. panašių trans. priemonių
tracktype grade5 way Neasfaltuotas takas. Danga - smėlis, žemės ar kt.
Tracktype grade5.jpg
tracktype <no value> way If no tracktype tag is present, the track is rendered with a dot-dash line style (as shown right).
Photo not applicable

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Vandens keliai

This is used to described different types of waterways. When mapping the way of a river, stream, drain, canal, etc. these need to be aligned in the direction of the water flow. See the page titled Waterways for an introduction on its usage.

Natural watercourses

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Man-made waterways

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Barriers on waterways

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Other features on waterways

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Main article: Railways

This key includes all kinds of railways ranging from heavily used mainline railways to an abandoned rail line.

Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto


railway abandoned way The course of a former railway which has been abandoned and the track removed. The course is still recognized through embankments, cuttings, tree rows, bridges, tunnels, remaining track ties, building shapes and rolling or straight ways. For demolished rails that are no longer identifiable, e.g. that have been built over, some use the highly questionable railway=razed.
Vysocany concrete rail ties former Northwestern railway.jpg
railway construction way Railway under construction.
Rendering-railway construction-125.png
Verlegen FF Rheda.jpg
railway proposed way Railway being proposed but haven't started construction. Please see the proposed page regarding verifiability on the ground of this value.
railway disused way A section of railway which is no longer used but where the track and infrastructure remains in place. The track is likely overgrown with endemic vegetation, but could be brought back into useful service with only minor effort.
Rendering-railway disused-125.png
Disused railtrack 101 5351.jpg
railway funicular way Cable driven inclined railways on a steep slope, with a pair of cars connected by one cable
Rendering-railway light rail funicular narrow gauge-125.png
Vilnius funicular.jpg
railway light_rail way A higher-standard tram system, normally in its own right-of-way. Often it connects towns and thus reaches a considerable length (tens of kilometres).
Rendering-railway light rail funicular narrow gauge-125.png
Pittsburgh LRT 4305 47L Gateway to Library April 2008.jpg
railway miniature way Miniature railways are narrower than narrow gauge and carry passengers, frequently at an exact scale of "standard-sized" rail (for example "1/4 scale"). They can often be found in parks.
Rendering-railway miniature.png
Dampfbahnfreunde sommerhofen 09180016.jpg
railway monorail way A railway with only a single rail. A monorail can run above the rail like in Las Vegas and Disneyland or can suspend below the rail like the Wuppertal Schwebebahn (Germany).
Rendering-railway monorail.png
Monorail in Kuala Lumpur
railway narrow_gauge way Narrow-gauge passenger or freight train tracks. Narrow gauge railways can have mainline railway service like the Rhaetian Railway in Switzerland or can be a small light industrial railway. Use gauge=* to specify the actual width of rails in mm.
Rendering-railway light rail funicular narrow gauge-125.png
Narrow-gauge railway.JPG
railway preserved way This is the old tag for historic trains. Use railway:preserved=yes for historical railway instead.
Rendering-railway preserved.png
Sarganska osmica 1.jpg
railway rail way Full sized passenger or freight train tracks in the standard gauge for the country or state.
Rendering-railway rail.png
LGV Est PK217.jpg
railway subway way A city passenger rail service running mostly grade separated (see Wikipedia:rapid transit). Often a significant portion of the line or its system/network is underground.
Rendering-railway subway.png
Madrid - Estación Marqués de Vadillo - 20060910.jpg
railway tram way One or two carriage rail vehicle tracks, usually sharing motor road, sometimes called "street running" (Other languages).
Rendering-railway tram.png
Praha, Hloubětín, Lehovec, tram KT8D5.JPG

Additional track features or attributes

bridge yes way If the railway goes over a street, waterway or other railway on an elevated structure.
Railway bridge mapnick render.jpg
Railway bridge.jpg
cutting yes way A section where the railway is significantly lower than ground level, but not underground.
Railway Cutting - - 159988.jpg
electrified contact_line
way contact_line: a power line over the train head
rail: a third rail near the track supplying the train with power
yes: electrified track, but no details available
no: track with no power supply.
Caténaire 1,5 kV 01.jpg
embankment yes way A section where the railway is raised significantly higher than ground level.
Railway Embankment South of Beattock - - 398770.jpg
embedded_rails yes/<type of railway> way Specifies that a highway on which non-railway traffic is also allowed has railway tracks embedded in it but the rails are mapped as separate ways.
Ruusulankatu tram rails (at lat 60.18206, lon 24.92450) heading NW.jpg
frequency number [Hz] way The frequency with which a line is electrified. Use 0 for DC. Also see the voltage tag.
Wave frequency.gif
railway:track_ref number way Track number
Gleis 101.jpg
service crossover way Relatively short lengths of track which switch traffic from one parallel line to another
service siding way Relatively short lengths of track, running parallel to (and connected to) a main route
Rendering-railway rail service.png
service spur way Relatively short lengths of track, built to give one company or entity access to a main or branch line.
Rendering-railway rail service.png
service yard way Tracks within railway company operated marshalling or maintenance yards.
Rendering-railway rail service.png
Service yard.png
tunnel yes way If the railway goes below ground. Most subways have this tag.
Haywards Heath tunnel.jpg
tracks number way Number of parallel tracks in close proximity when mapped as one single way representing all tracks. If not given means unknown and defaults to 1. In many parts of the world the tracks are being drawn out separately so that there is more detail, in which case this tag isn't used.
Spoorlijn 51 R01.jpg
usage main
way main line: heavy traffic
branch line: connecting places with a mainline
industrial: servicing large plants (iron, chemical etc.), surface mining, …
military: servicing military area
tourism: most mountain rails (rack-rails, funicular) and preserved railways
scientific: rail transport at spaceports, large array telescopes, etc.
test: track for testing new wheels, rails, tracks and rail technologies.
voltage number way The voltage with which a line is electrified. Also see the frequency tag.
Symbole voltmetre.png

Stations and stops

railway halt node A small station without switches
Rendering-railway-tram stop-mapnik.png.png
Railway halt.jpg
public_transport stop_position node The position on the railway track where the train (its centre) stops at a platform. This is useful for routing on long platforms where also short trains stop and on long platforms where multiple trains stop behind each other. See also public_transport=stop_area.
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
public_transport platform node way area This is parallel to the rail line for showing where the actual platforms are. It is also to know where you can change platform and enter the station, so use footpaths to connect them. This is really useful for routing too. Use only if the platform is served by public transport.
Relax ... take it easy (7757527444).jpg
railway platform way area This is parallel to the rail line for showing where the actual platforms are. It is also to know where you can change platform and enter the station, so use footpaths to connect them. This is really useful for routing too. Use in addition to public_transport=platform.
Relax ... take it easy (7757527444).jpg
public_transport station node area Railway passenger-only station.
Paddington Station.jpg
railway station node area Railway passenger and/or cargo station. Use in addition to public_transport=station.
Rendering-railway-tram stop-mapnik.png.png
Paddington Station.jpg
railway stop node Marks the position where trains stop at a station. It should be added as a node on a railway=rail way.
2017 at Bath Spa - fixing new stop signs.JPG
railway subway_entrance node The entrance to a subway station, usually going from surface to underground.
railway tram_stop node A tram stop is a place where a passenger can embark / disembark a tram.
Rendering-railway-tram stop-mapnik.png.png


landuse railway area Ground used around railways and railwaystations. Landuse-industrial.png
Illustration of Rail.jpg
railway buffer_stop node Stops the train at the end of a track. See buffer stop.
Stootblok (staal).jpg
railway crossing node A point where pedestrians may cross.
Level crossing2.svg
railway derail node A device used to prevent fouling of a rail track by unauthorized movements of trains or unattended rolling stock. See Derail (railroad).
US derail detail.JPG
railway level_crossing node A point where rails and roads cross.
Level crossing2.svg
Level crossing - Chertsey - England - 270404.jpg
railway railway_crossing node Crossing rails with no interconnection.
Railroad crossing at grade also known as a diamond.jpg
railway roundhouse area A semicircular building with many stalls for servicing engines.
Roundhouse Park August 2017 01.jpg
railway signal node Any kind of railway signal.
Zwischensignal FFM-Hoechst Schnee.jpg
railway switch node Full connections between railways (aka 'points').
Railway switch.JPG
railway tram_level_crossing node A point where trams and roads cross.
RU road sign 1.5.svg
railway traverser node area These are used for changing trains between railways. Also known as transfer table.
Schiebebuehne 01.jpg
railway turntable node area These are used for changing the direction that part of a train is pointing in. node: —

area: Rendering-area-railway turntable-mapnik.png

Turntable of Railroad 001.jpg
railway ventilation_shaft node way A structure that allows ventilation in underground tunnels
Moscow, Dmitriya Donskogo Boulevard, subway ventilation ducts (21984596650).jpg
railway wash node area A railroad carriage/car wash
AKN Waschanlage - panoramio.jpg
railway water_crane node A structure to deliver water to steam locomotives
Wasserkran Bf Stützerbach.JPG
railway user defined node way All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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Oro uostai ir oro linijos

These are mainly related to aerodromes, airfields other ground facilities that support the operation of airplanes and helicopters. See the page Aeroways for an introduction on mapping these features.

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Oro keltuvai

This is used to tag different forms of transportation for people or goods by using aerial wires. For example these may include cable-cars, chair-lifts and drag-lifts. See the page Aerialway for more information on the usage of these tags.

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=== Energija ===These are used to map electrical power generation and distributions systems. See Power for an introduction on its usage.

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Žmogaus sukurti...

A tag for identifying man made (artificial) structures that are added to the landscape. See man_made=* for an introduction on its usage.

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This is used to tag leisure and sports facilities. See the page titled Leisure for an introduction on its usage.

Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto
leisure adult_gaming_centre nodearea A venue with gambling machines, usually with a minimum age requirement.
Slot machines in Venetian.jpg
leisure amusement_arcade nodearea A venue with pay-to-play games.
Amusement arcade-14.svg
Dave & Buster's video arcade in Columbus, OH - 17910.JPG
leisure beach_resort nodearea A managed beach, including within the boundary any associated facilities. Entry may also require payment of a fee.
Beach resort-14.svg
Beach resort.jpg
leisure bandstand nodearea A bandstand is an open structure where musical bands can perform concerts.
leisure bird_hide nodearea A place that is used to observe wildlife, especially birds.
Bird hide-14.svg
leisure common nodearea Identify land over which the public has general rights of use for certain leisure activities.
leisure dance nodearea A dance venue or dance hall.
leisure disc_golf_course nodearea A place to play disc golf.
Disc golfer and basket.jpg
leisure dog_park nodearea A designated area, with or without a fenced boundary, where dog-owners are permitted to exercise their pets unrestrained.
Dog park.svg
leisure escape_game nodearea A physical adventure game in which players solve a series of puzzles using clues, hints and strategy to complete the objectives at hand.
Conundrum Escape Room.jpg
leisure firepit nodearea A fire ring or fire pit, often at a campsite or picnic site.
Camp site.jpg
leisure fishing nodearea A public or private place for fishing.
leisure fitness_centre nodearea Fitness centre, health club or gym with exercise machines, fitness classes or both, for exercise.
Gym 1-1-.jpg
leisure fitness_station nodearea An outdoor facility where people can practise typical fitness exercises.
Outdoor gym in Parque de Bateria, Torremolinos.JPG
leisure garden nodearea A place where flowers and other plants are grown in a decorative and structured manner or for scientific purposes.
SF Japanese Garden.JPG
leisure hackerspace nodearea A place where people with common interests (science, technology, ...) meet.
Protospace, a Hackerspace.jpg
leisure horse_riding nodearea A facility where people practise horse riding, usually in their spare time, e.g. a riding centre. For a riding arena use leisure=pitch + sport=equestrian.
Warendorf, Reitanlage Josephshof -- 2014 -- 8591 -- Ausschnitt.jpg
leisure ice_rink nodearea A place where you can skate and play bandy or ice hockey.
Pista hielo bakh.jpg
leisure marina nodearea A facility for mooring leisure yachts and motor boats.
Rendering-leisure marina.png
Benalmadena - Puerto Marina.jpg
leisure miniature_golf nodearea A place or area where you can play miniature golf.
Miniature golf.svg
BigApple-ccby-rw .jpg
leisure nature_reserve nodearea A protected area of importance for wildlife, flora, fauna or features of geological or other special interest.
National park.png
Black Opal Spring in Biscuit Basin.JPG
leisure park nodearea A park, usually in an urban (municipal) setting, created for recreation and relaxation.
3015-Central Park-Sheep Meadow.JPG
leisure picnic_table nodearea A table with benches for food and rest.
Picnic table.jpg
leisure pitch nodearea An area designed for practising a particular sport, normally designated with appropriate markings.
Yes NCTU tennis 2.JPG
leisure playground nodearea A playground: an area designed for children to play.
Children playing on a modern playground.jpg
leisure slipway nodearea A slipway: a ramp for launching a boat into water.
Transport slipway.svg
leisure sports_centre nodearea A sports centre is a distinct facility where sports take place within an enclosed area.
Western Lesiure Centre Cardiff.JPG
leisure stadium nodearea A major sports facility with substantial tiered seating.
leisure summer_camp nodearea A place for supervised camps for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months.
Summer camp example wartenberg 2015 01.jpeg
leisure swimming_area nodearea An area for swimming within a larger body of water (such as a river, lake or the sea) that is marked by a rope, buoys or similar.
leisure swimming_pool nodearea A swimming pool (water area only).
Base layer water.png
Pool i.jpg
leisure track nodearea A track for running, cycling and other non-motorised racing such as horses, greyhounds.
Skyttis athletics tracks.jpg
leisure water_park nodearea An amusement park with features like water slides, recreational pools (e.g. wave pools) or lazy rivers.

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Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto


amenity bar node area Bar is a purpose-built commercial establishment that sells alcoholic drinks to be consumed on the premises. They are characterised by a noisy and vibrant atmosphere, similar to a party and usually don't sell food. See also the description of the tags amenity=pub;bar;restaurant for a distinction between these.
amenity biergarten node area Bear Garden
Hofbräukeller Arkaden.JPG
amenity cafe node area Kavinė
Klagenfurt Wörthersee Strandbad Cafe Sunset Bar 11102008 65.jpg
amenity fast_food node area Greitas maistas
Burger king kamen.jpg
amenity food_court node area Maistas
amenity ice_cream node area Ice cream shop or ice cream parlour. A place that sells ice cream and frozen yoghurt over the counter
Ribnitzer Hafenfest, Ribnitz-Damgarten (P1060946).jpg
amenity pub node area Pub'as
amenity restaurant node area Restoranas. Greito maisto įstaigoms naudoti amenity=fast_food
Caprice Restaurant.JPG


amenity college node area Koledžas
Cambridge Regional College main entrance.jpg
amenity dancing_school node area A dancing school or dance studio
Dancing lesson 16507650.jpg
amenity driving_school node area Driving School which offers motor vehicle driving lessons
Fahrschulauto VW Austria St Johann.JPG
amenity first_aid_school node area A place where people can go for first aid courses.
amenity kindergarten node area Vaikų darželis
Story Time.jpg
amenity language_school node area Language School: an educational institution where one studies a foreign language.
Sede de Berlitz al norte de Bogotá.jpeg
amenity library node area Biblioteka
Guantanamo captives' library a.jpg
amenity surf_school node area A surf school is an establishment that teaches surfing.
Surfing School at Chapel Porth (2784337863).jpg
amenity toy_library node area A place to borrow games and toys, or play with them on site.
Toy Library storage.jpg
amenity research_institute node area An establishment endowed for doing research.
Aerial View of Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - GPN-2000-002008.jpg
amenity training node area Public place where you can get training.
Sede de Berlitz al norte de Bogotá.jpeg
amenity music_school node area A music school, an educational institution specialized in the study, training, and research of music.
Music school from Rabnita (1980). (9196267787).jpg
amenity school node area Mokykla
Williamstown school.jpg
amenity traffic_park node area Juvenile traffic schools
Lasten ajoharjoittelu rata Nordenskiöldinkatu - panoramio.jpg
amenity university node area Universitetas
Brock University campus.JPG


amenity bicycle_parking node area Dviračių pastatymo vieta
amenity bicycle_repair_station node area General tools for self-service bicycle repairs, usually on the roadside; no service
Bicycle repair station-14.svg
amenity bicycle_rental node area Dviračių nuomos punktai
Rental Row (3561666697).jpg
amenity bicycle_wash node area Clean a bicycle
Sankt Gallenkirch-Valiserabahn lower station-Bicycle wash system-01ASD.jpg
amenity boat_rental node area Rent a Boat
Boat rental-14.svg
Münster, Boote am Aasee -- 2016 -- 2375.jpg
amenity boat_sharing node area Share a Boat
A Boat To Share.jpg
amenity bus_station node area Autobusų stotis (Autobusų stotelėms ir galiniams sustojimams naudoti highway=bustop)
Bus station-14.svg
Manchester Piccadilly Bus Station.jpg
amenity car_rental node area Autonuoma
Hertz car rental office Livonia Michigan.JPG
amenity car_sharing node area Share a car
U Car Share Shattuck Hearst.jpg
amenity car_wash node area Wash a car
Car wash-14.svg
Wuppertal - Friedrich-Engels-Allee 130 02 ies.jpg
amenity compressed_air node area A device to inflate tires/tyres (e.g. motorcar, bicycle)
Air compressor Berlin Plänterwald.jpg
amenity vehicle_inspection node area Government vehicle inspection
Vehicle inspection-14.svg
TÜV SÜD-Hauptuntersuchung.jpeg
amenity charging_station node Charging facility for electric vehicles
Charging station.16.svg
amenity driver_training node area A place for driving training on a closed course
Skid pan at Mercedes-Benz World - Flickr - Supermac1961.jpg
amenity ferry_terminal node area Keltų prieplauka
Ferry Reet.jpg
amenity fuel node area Degalinė. Galima nurodyti kelią iki degalinės kodu - highway=service)
Preem Karlskrona.jpg
amenity grit_bin node Smėlio-druskos dėžė (keliams barstyti žiemos metu)
Grit Bin.jpg
amenity motorcycle_parking node area Parking for motorcycles
Motorradparkplatz Gifhorn Mühlenmuseum.jpg
amenity parking node area Stovėjimo aikštelė
P3030027ParkingLot wb.jpg
amenity parking_entrance node An entrance or exit to an underground or multi-storey parking facility. Group multiple parking entrances together with a relation using the tags type=site and site=parking Underground
Parking entrance-14.svg
Parking entrance multi-storey 14.svg
Christian Wirth - Tiefgarage Hauptplatz.jpg
amenity parking_space node area A single parking space within a car park. Parking spaces should be mapped within an amenity=parking area. Group multiple parking spaces together with a relation using the tags type=site and site=parking
Rendering-parking space.png
Israel Batch 2 (149).JPG
amenity taxi node area Taksi stovėjimo vieta
Hong Kong Taxi - 1-12-2006 - Shatin Taxi Stand.jpg
amenity weighbridge node area A large weight scale to weigh vehicles and goods
Lorry on weighbridge, Douglas, Isle of Man - - 352285.jpg


amenity atm node Bankomatas
ATM 750x1300.jpg
amenity payment_terminal node Self-service payment kiosk/terminal
2018-07-21 Payment terminal in Kyiv, Ukraine.jpg
amenity bank node area Bankas. Kiekvienam bankomatui rekomenduojama pridėti atskirą mazgą su amenity=atm
Commonwealth Bank branch office.jpg
amenity bureau_de_change node area Valiutų keitykla
Bureau de change-14.svg
Bureau de change electronic sign.jpg
amenity money_transfer node area A place that offers money transfers, especially cash to cash
Dortmund, Western Union Brückstraße.jpg
amenity payment_centre node area A non-bank place, where people can pay bills of public and private services and taxes.
Payment service center at ZBAA T3 Arrivals (20240207140327).jpg


amenity baby_hatch node area Gyvybės langelis. Skirtas anonimiškai palikti kūdikius.
Babybox - venkovní strana.jpg
amenity clinic node area A medium-sized medical facility or health centre.
Bristol , Central Health Clinic - - 1360619.jpg
amenity dentist node area Dantistas
Military dentists in Guatemala.jpg
amenity doctors node area Gydytojas
Doctors stethoscope 2.jpg
amenity hospital node area Ligoninė
Guantanamo captive's hospital beds -c.jpg
amenity nursing_home node area Discouraged tag for a home for disabled or elderly persons who need permanent care. Use amenity=social_facility + social_facility=nursing_home now.
Social amenity darken 80-16.svg
Hora Svate Kateriny - nursing home.jpg
amenity pharmacy node area Vaistinė
Boots The Chemist At Gunwharf Quays.jpg
amenity social_facility node area A facility that provides social services: group & nursing homes, workshops for the disabled, homeless shelters, etc.
Social facility-14.svg
Salvation Army Citadel, Hill Street , Newport - - 1585015.jpg
amenity veterinary node area Veterinarijos klinika
Veterinary Surgeon.jpg

Entertainment, Arts & Culture

amenity arts_centre node area Meno centras
Arts centre.svg
Alhamra Art Centre.JPG
amenity brothel node area Viešnamis
Walletjes 001.jpg
amenity casino node area A gambling venue with at least one table game(e.g. roulette, blackjack) that takes bets on sporting and other events at agreed upon odds.
Sahara Hotel and Casino.jpg
amenity cinema node area Kino teatras
Palace cinéma beaumont.JPG
amenity community_centre node area A place mostly used for local events, festivities and group activities; including special interest and special age groups. .
Community centre-14.svg
Greasby Community Centre.JPG
amenity conference_centre node area A large building that is used to hold a convention
Irving Convention Center Exterior.JPG
amenity events_venue node area A building specifically used for organising events
Ludwigsfelde asv2021-03 img08 Klubhaus.jpg
amenity exhibition_centre node area An exhibition centre
Shanghai new international expo centre.jpg
amenity fountain node area Fontanas
Fountain at Milan citadel.JPG
amenity gambling node area A place for gambling, not being a shop=bookmaker, shop=lottery, amenity=casino, or leisure=adult_gaming_centre.

Games that are covered by this definition include bingo and pachinko.

Bingo cards.jpg
amenity love_hotel node area A love hotel is a type of short-stay hotel operated primarily for the purpose of allowing guests privacy for sexual activities.
Hotel portodiMare Himeji.jpg
amenity music_venue node area An indoor place to hear contemporary live music.
amenity nightclub node area Naktinis klubas
amenity planetarium node area A planetarium.
Planetarium WPKiW.jpg
amenity public_bookcase node area A street furniture containing books. Take one or leave one.
Public bookcase-14.svg
Hannover, public bookcase.jpg
amenity social_centre node area A place for free and not-for-profit activities.
Governor Hotel, Rotary Club of Portland plaque.JPG
amenity stage node area A raised platform for performers.
Jyväskylä - stage.jpg
amenity stripclub node A place that offers striptease or lapdancing (for sexual services use amenity=brothel).
Seattle - Deja Vu 01.jpg
amenity studio node area Studija (tiek įrašų, tiek radijo ar televizijos)
amenity swingerclub node area A club where people meet to have a party and group sex.
Swingerclub Cäsars Palace. Spröckhövel.JPG
amenity theatre node area Teatras
PL - Wrocław - Teatr Lalek - Kroton 001.jpg

Public Service

amenity courthouse node area Teismo rūmai
amenity fire_station node area Gaisrinė
Fire station.jpg
amenity police node area Policija
Ploizeiautos Davidwache.jpg
amenity post_box node Pašto dėžutė
Post box-12.svg
Post Box.JPG
amenity post_depot node area Post depot or delivery office, where letters and parcels are collected and sorted prior to delivery.
Post office delivery office, Mablethorpe - - 1186977.jpg
amenity post_office node area Pašto skyrius
Post office-14.svg
100px-Pošta Praha 025.jpg
amenity prison node area Kalėjimas
Osaka keimusho.jpg
amenity ranger_station node area National Park visitor headquarters: official park visitor facility with police, visitor information, permit services, etc
Talkeetna Ranger Station.jpg
amenity townhall node area Rotušė


amenity bbq node BBQ or Barbecue is a permanently built grill for cooking food, which is most typically used outdoors by the public. For example these may be found in city parks or at beaches. Use the tag fuel=* to specify the source of heating, such as fuel=wood;electric;charcoal. For mapping nearby table and chairs, see also the tag tourism=picnic_site. For mapping campfires and firepits, instead use the tag leisure=firepit.
amenity bench node Suoliukas
amenity dog_toilet node area Area designated for dogs to urinate and excrete.
amenity dressing_room node area Area designated for changing clothes.
Korpilahti beach - changing room.jpg
amenity drinking_water node Geriamasis vanduo
Basler Trinkwasser 1341.jpg
amenity give_box node area A small facility where people drop off and pick up various types of items in the sense of free sharing and reuse.
GiveBox an der Schwarztorstrasse 96 im Januar 2020.jpg
amenity lounge node area A comfortable waiting area for customers, usually found in airports and other transportation hubs. Typically has extra amenities or sustenance.
SM Prestige Lounge.jpg
amenity mailroom node area A mailroom for receiving packages or letters.
Mailroom of the New York Times newspaper.8d22741v.jpg
amenity parcel_locker node area Machine for picking up and sending parcels
Polish Packstation.jpg
amenity shelter node area Pastogė, skirta pasislėpti nuo prasto oro
Réunion Maïdo kiosque pique-nique.JPG
amenity shower node area Public shower.
Znak D-26d.svg
amenity telephone node Telefonas
Red telephone box, St Paul's Cathedral, London, England, GB, IMG 5182 edit.jpg
amenity toilets node area Tualetas
amenity water_point node Place where you can get large amounts of drinking water
Aire de Valuejols.JPG
amenity watering_place node Place where water is contained and animals can drink
Drinking Water For Humans and Animals.jpg

Waste Management

amenity sanitary_dump_station node area A place for depositing human waste from a toilet holding tank.
Aire de Valuejols.JPG
amenity recycling node area Antrinių žaliavų konteineriai
amenity waste_basket node A single small container for depositing garbage that is easily accessible for pedestrians.
amenity waste_disposal node Šiukšlių konteineris
Waste disposal-14.svg
Waste container.jpg
amenity waste_transfer_station node area A waste transfer station is a location that accepts, consolidates and transfers waste in bulk.


amenity animal_boarding node area A facility where you, paying a fee, can bring your animal for a limited period of time (e.g. for holidays)
Holmbyre Cattery - - 167661.jpg
amenity animal_breeding node area relation A facility where animals are bred, usually to sell them
Brickfields Horse Centre - - 135890.jpg
amenity animal_shelter node area A shelter that recovers animals in trouble
Kennel 2.jpg
amenity animal_training node area A facility used for non-competitive animal training
MTAPD Canine Training Facility (26942355044).jpg
amenity baking_oven node An oven used for baking bread and similar, for example inside a building=bakehouse.
Backofen Emstal.JPG
amenity clock node A public visible clock
Houses Of Parliment Clock Tower (Big Ben).jpg
amenity crematorium node area Krematoriumas
Bushbury Crematorium - - 259876.jpg
amenity dive_centre node area A dive center is the base location where sports divers usually start scuba diving or make dive guided trips at new locations.
Diving Center in Marsalforn.JPG
amenity funeral_hall node area A place for holding a funeral ceremony, other than a place of worship.
Okriftel Trauerhalle 08 001.jpg
amenity grave_yard node area Nedidelės kapinės, prie bažnyčios. Didelėms kapinėms - landuse=cemetery.
Odenbuell Nordstrand St Vinzenz IMGP2940 wp crop.jpg
amenity hunting_stand node area Medžioklės bokštas
A rised hide closed quadrat.jpg
amenity internet_cafe node area A place whose principal role is providing internet services to the public.
Internet cafe-14.svg
Cafe internet uninorte.JPG
amenity kitchen node area A public kitchen in a facility to use by everyone or customers
Montague Burton Residences Kitchen.jpg
amenity kneipp_water_cure node area Outdoor foot bath facility. Usually this is a pool with cold water and handrail. Popular in German speaking countries.
Wassertreten 1.jpg
amenity lounger node An object for people to lie down.
Coulée Verte du 14ème @ Paris (28484238796).jpg
amenity marketplace node area A marketplace where goods and services are traded daily or weekly.
Marche berlin002.jpg
amenity monastery node area Monastery is the location of a monastery or a building in which monks and nuns live.
Kloster Eibingen01.JPG
amenity mortuary node area A morgue or funeral home, used for the storage of human corpses.
amenity photo_booth node A stand to create instant photos.
amenity place_of_mourning node area A room or building where families and friends can come, before the funeral, and view the body of the person who has died.
Funérarium de Wasquehal.jpg
amenity place_of_worship node area Šventykla. (Kokiai religijai nurodyti religion=*) Christian-16.svg Muslim-16.svg Jewish-16.svg Taoist-16.svg Buddhist-16.svg Hinduist-16.svg Shintoist-16.svg Sikhist-16.svg Place-of-worship-16.svg
Place of worship.png
amenity public_bath node area A location where the public may bathe in common, etc. japanese onsen, turkish bath, hot spring
Public bath.svg
Blue Lagoon 2012-08-23 (4).JPG
amenity public_building node area Viešas pastataas
amenity refugee_site node area A human settlement sheltering refugees or internally displaced persons
An Aerial View of the Za'atri Refugee Camp.jpg
amenity vending_machine node Pardavimo automatas
Vending machines at Haeundae.jpg
amenity node area

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


The shop tag is used as a place of business that has stocked goods for sale or sells services. See the page titled Shop for an introduction on its usage.

Kategorija Kodas Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto

Food, beverages

shop alcohol Shop selling alcohol to take away
Liquor store in Breckenridge Colorado.jpg
shop bakery Shop focused on selling bread
Bread in Boudin.jpg
shop beverages Shop focused on selling alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. See also shop=alcohol.
Coca Cola Kisten.jpg
shop brewing_supplies Shop focused on selling supplies for home brewing of beer, wine and spirits (where permitted).
Home-brewing set with 5-gallon containers.jpg
shop butcher Shop focused on selling meat
Butcher's shop Hong kong.jpg
shop cheese Shop focused on selling cheese.
Cheese shop P1010071.JPG
shop chocolate Shop focused on selling chocolate.
Chocolate shop.jpg
shop coffee Shop focused on selling coffee.
Ahrre's Coffee Roastery in Summit NJ interior view.jpg
shop confectionery Shop focused on selling sweets or candy
Sweet Shop, Chester.JPG
shop convenience A small local shop carrying a small subset of the items you would find in a supermarket
Food and wine shop.jpg
shop dairy Shop focused on selling dairy products.
Milk Aisle.jpg
shop deli Shop focused on selling delicatessen (fine foods, gourmet foods), possibly also fine wine. Not to be confused with the US delis.
Rome Italian deli.jpg
shop farm Shop or roadside stand focused on selling freshly harvested farm produce
Chatsworth farm shop - - 24050.jpg
shop food Shop focused on selling food, more specific value should be used if possible.

shop=food + food=prepared_meals was also proposed/used for type of shop selling prepared meals, not ready for eating immediately (and requiring for example heating/boiling or other simple preparation).

Shop with prepared meals.jpg
shop frozen_food Shop focused on selling frozen food.
shop greengrocer Shop focused on selling vegetables and fruits.
Greenrocer's Interior.jpg
shop health_food A health food shop; selling wholefoods, vitamins, nutrition supplements and meat and dairy alternatives.
Holland & Barrett, King Street, Hammersmith.jpg
shop ice_cream Shop selling ice cream. See also amenity=ice_cream.
Ice Cream Parlour - - 1773794.jpg
shop nuts Shop selling dried nuts/fruits, edible seeds, etc. Not to be confused with shop=spices.
Nuts and spices at Mercat de Boqueria.jpg
shop pasta Shop focused on selling (fresh) pasta, ravioli, etc.
Ravioli 2.jpg
shop pastry Shop focused on selling baked sweets like cakes, biscuits, strudel and pies.
Pasticceria displaying cannoli siciliani.jpg
shop seafood Shop focused on selling fish/seafood.
Seafood chijin.jpg
shop spices Shop focused on selling spices.
Old city, best spice shop (498280882).jpg
shop tea Shop focused on selling tea.
Tea shop by matsuyuki in Nishiki Ichiba, Kyoto.jpg
shop tortilla Shop focused on selling tortillas.
Tortillería Ruiz,México D.F.jpg
shop water Shop focused on selling drinking water.
Water bottles in Dia.jpg
shop wine Shop selling wine.
Wine Shop.JPG

General store, department store, mall

shop department_store A single large store – often multiple storeys high – selling a large variety of goods (see also shop=mall)
Department store-16.svg
Takeshimaya Times Square in the evening.jpg
shop general A store that carries a general line of merchandise. (see also shop=convenience if it sells food).
Feinkost Weber Hernals 1994.jpg
shop kiosk A small shop on the pavement that sells magazines, tobacco, newspapers, sweets and stamps.
Kiosk germany.jpg
shop mall A shopping mall – multiple stores under one roof (also known as a shopping centre)
Dalian large Shopping Mall 2005.jpg
shop supermarket Supermarket – a large store with groceries and other items
Supermarket check out.JPG
shop wholesale Wholesale/warehouse club or cash and carry – a store that sells items in bulk to retailers. The branch of industry can be defined with wholesale=*.
Birmingham Wholesale Markets.jpg

Clothing, shoes, accessories

shop baby_goods Shop focused on selling objects for babies (clothes, prams, cots, toys).
shop bag Shop focused on selling bags.
Bags shop.jpg
shop boutique A small shopping outlet, especially one that specializes in elite and fashionable items
Inside Sttilo.jpg
shop clothes Shop focused on selling clothes and/or underwear (other related value in use is fashion)
shop fabric Shop focused on selling fabric and other materials for the purpose of making clothes and other products, eg dress making.
Shop fabric.JPG
shop fashion Shop focused on selling fashion. This is deprecated, please use shop=clothes.
Shop fashion berlin.jpg
shop fashion_accessories Shop focused on selling fashion accessories.
shop jewelry Jewellers shops.
shop leather Shop focused on selling products made out of leather.
Lewis Leathers shop.jpg
shop sewing A shop that sells sewing supplies (fabric, thread, yarn, knitting needles, sewing machines, etc.)
W. Wächtershäuser - II.jpg
shop shoes Shop focused on selling shoes.
Calzados La Americana.JPG
shop shoe_repair Shop focused on repairing shoes.
Swanson Shoe Repair.jpg
shop tailor A place where clothing is made, repaired, or altered professionally, especially suits and men's clothing
shop watches Shop focused on selling watches.
Paris Forum des Halles 2012 09.jpg
shop wool Shop selling wool for making of clothes or other products.
So called baby merino in a store.jpg

Discount store, charity

shop charity A charity shop is a shop operated by a charity, for the purposes of fundraising.
Cancer Research, Armagh, November 2009.JPG
shop second_hand A shop buying and selling used clothes and other things. See also shop=pawnbroker
Second hand-14.svg
HK Sheung Wan 2nd hand market Tung Street 上環東街.JPG
shop variety_store A variety store retailer is a retail store that sells inexpensive items, sometimes with a single price point for all items in the store.
Variety store-14.svg

Health and beauty

shop beauty A non-hairdresser beauty shop, spa, nail salon, etc.. See also shop=hairdresser.
Hair and Beauty, Strabane, January 2010.JPG
shop chemist Shop focused on selling articles of personal hygiene, cosmetics, and household cleaning products (for a shop that potentially dispenses prescription drugs, cf. pharmacy. U.S. drug store, see amenity=pharmacy)
Kelly Chemist, Omagh - - 103193.jpg
shop cosmetics Shop focused on selling cosmetics
Cosmetics at Central Ladprao.JPG
shop erotic Shop focused on selling erotic toys, -clothes or other erotic stuff.
Sex shops (Paris)-01.jpg
shop hairdresser Here you can get your hair cut, coloured, … See also shop=beauty
Belfast (187), October 2009.JPG
shop [[ Too many Data Items entities accessed. | hairdresser_supply ]] A shop, where you can buy hairdressing supplies.
Zeeb GmbH Friseurbedarf Mannheim S1.jpg
shop hearing_aids Shop focused on selling hearing aids devices
Shop audiologist.jpg
shop herbalist Shop focused on selling herbs, often for medical purposes. (See also: healthcare:speciality=herbalism and healthcare=alternative).
Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, The Herbalist Shop.jpg
shop massage A massage shop
shop medical_supply Shop focused on selling medical supplies.
Medical supply.svg
Jt medical supply.jpg
shop nutrition_supplements Shops that sells one or more nutritional supplements (of vitamins, minerals and/or herbs)
shop optician Shop focused on selling eyeglasses, contact lenses (may also check your eyes).
US Navy 021029-N-3228G-001 Adjusting a customer's eyeglasses.jpg
shop perfumery Shop focused on selling perfumery
301 perfumery and drugstore in Cala Millor.jpg
shop tattoo A tattoo parlour.

Do-it-yourself, household, building materials, gardening

shop agrarian Shop focused on selling agrarian products, like seeds, agricultural machinery, animal feed, etc.
Shop Buena in Szamotuły.jpg
shop appliance Shop focused on selling large electrical items (aka white goods) washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, fans, etc.
Small appliance shop in North London.jpg
shop bathroom_furnishing Shop focused on selling bathroom furniture and accessories
Villa Tugendhat - Badezimmer.JPG
shop country_store Shop focused on selling rural supplies – a range of goods specifically aimed at country dwellers
Countrywide Store Melton Mowbray.jpg
shop doityourself Shop focused on selling tools and supplies to do-it-yourself householders, gardening, …
Inside BandQ - - 649798.jpg
shop electrical Shop focused on selling electrical supplies and devices
Old electrical shop, Paris March 2015.jpg
shop energy Shop focused on selling energy
Carrefour Market de Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse le 1er avril 2013 - 08.jpg
shop fireplace Shop focused on selling electric fireplaces, stoves or masonry heaters and required fuels
Kaminofen in Betrieb IMG 6067.jpg
shop florist Shop focused on selling bouquets of flowers (see shop=garden_centre for potted flowers).
Butler's Wharf Flower Shop.jpg
shop garden_centre Shop focused on selling potted flowers, maybe even trees (see also shop=florist for flower bouquets).
Garden centre-14.svg
shop garden_furniture Shop focused on selling garden furniture (sheds, outdoor tables, gates, fences, ...). See shop=garden_centre if also plants are sold.
Ahşap salıncak ve bahçe mobilyası.jpg
shop gas Shop focused on selling technical gas, such as argon, oxygen, acetylene, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. in pressurized containers
2008-07-24 Bundle of compressed gas bottles.jpg
shop glaziery Shop focused on selling and installing glazing for windows and doors.
Double glazed Units.JPG
shop groundskeeping Shop focused on selling outdoor groundskeeping equipment (lawnmowers, chainsaws, small tractors, ...
Groundskeeping Store.jpg
shop hardware Shop focused on selling building supplies including screws, bolts & paints, … See also shop=doityourself
Tweedy and Popp 03.jpg
shop houseware Shop focused on selling crockery, cutlery, kitchenware, small household appliances.
shop locksmith Shop focused on selling keys, see also craft=locksmith and craft=key_cutter
shop paint Shop focused on selling paints.
Artists paints.jpg
shop pottery Shop focused on selling earthenware, stoneware and porcelain and other ceramic ware.
Ceramics shop in Bát Tràng, Hanoi (1 March 2018) 74.jpg
shop security Shop focused on selling security items like burglar alarms, vaults, locking systems, video surveillance cameras, firefighting equipment, alarm systems, warning systems, etc.
shop tool_hire Shop hiring out tools
HSS Hire Shop, Newport - - 4772780.jpg
shop trade A place of business that sells to a particular trade or trades, but normally also retails to normal consumers. See also shop=doityourself
Timber yard of Travis Perkins builders merchants - - 1025761.jpg

Furniture and interior

shop antiques Shop focused on selling antiques.
Antique shop - stock photo.jpg
shop bed Shop focused on selling beds, mattresses and other bedding products.
Bed Shop, Omagh - - 129722.jpg
shop candles Shop focused on selling candles and candle accessories (holders, etc)
Candle shop, Liberty of London (8370788712).jpg
shop carpet Shop focused on selling carpets
A carpet seller in Jaipur.jpg
shop curtain Shop focused on selling curtains or drapes (see also shop=fabric)
Commerciante di tessuti.jpg
shop doors Shop focused on selling doors
London Door Company, Belmont, Sutton, Surrey, Greater London.jpg
shop flooring Shop focused on selling floorings
Fake wood flooring.jpg
shop furniture Shop focused on selling furniture, might range from small decorational items to a whole flat interior
Small furniture shop.jpg
shop household_linen Shop focused on selling household linen.
Shop with table-cloths and bedding textiles at ulica Starowiejska, Gdynia 2.jpg
shop interior_decoration Shop focused on selling interior decorations.
Interior decoration-14.svg
LA Showroom1 dakota jackson.jpg
shop kitchen A shop where you can plan and buy your kitchen. (Sometimes called "kitchen studio" and the like, but plain kitchen is the most frequently used tag so far.)
Kitchen shop in "The Boulevard" - - 1368775.jpg
shop lighting A shop selling lighting fixtures and lamps.
Lamp Shop in Bigastro.jpg
shop tiles Shop focused on selling tiles.
2.2 Jura Gelb geschliffen.JPG
shop window_blind Shop focused on selling window blinds.
Some window blinds.JPG


shop computer Shop focused on selling computers, peripherals, software, …
Computer shop, Crossens.JPG
shop electronics Shop focused on selling consumer electronics (TV, radio, …). Larger ones may also sell computers, fridges, …
Currys Digital.jpg
shop hifi Shop focused on selling High Fidelity or High End environment to listen music or watch films at home
JB Hi-Fi Wagga Wagga.jpg
shop mobile_phone Shop focused on selling mobile phones and accessories
3G Mobile Phones fot China Mobile.jpg
shop printer_ink A shop that sells or refills printer ink cartridges.
Epson ink cartridges.JPG
shop radiotechnics Shop focused on selling electronic components, electrical products, radio measuring devices, supplies for radio and electronics.
Tokyo Akihabara electronic parts shop.jpg
shop telecommunication Shop selling internet, television or similar services, and related hardware.
T-Mobile US Retail Store in Waterbury, CT.jpg
shop vacuum_cleaner Shop focused on selling vacuum cleaners and associated products.
Panasonic MCE8013 vacuum cleaner close.jpg

Outdoors and sport, vehicles

shop atv Shop focused on selling atvs (quads), atv equipment and may rent or repair them
Honda FourTrax Rancher.jpg
shop bicycle Shop focused on selling bicycles, bicycle equipment and may rent or repair them
shop boat Shop focused on selling boats, boat equipment and may rent or repair them
2018-10-14 Yacht Grot shopfront.jpg
shop car Car store – a place primarily to buy cars or to additionally get your car repaired
shop car_parts Shop focused on selling auto parts, auto accessories, motor oil, car chemicals, etc.
Car parts-14.svg
Auto Parts Store.jpg
shop car_repair Shop focused on repairing cars.
Car repair-14.svg
Colourful Shops Places In Onehunga II.jpg
shop caravan A shop for caravans, motorhomes & similar recreational vehicles.
shop fishing Shop focused on selling fishing equipment.
M.A. Wickham, East Grinstead (15538910361).jpg
shop fuel Shop selling fuels (motor fuel, wood, coal, gas) that can't be considered a amenity=fuel (fuel station). Use fuel:*=yes/no to indicate which fuels are available.
Barreled fuel shop.jpg
shop golf Shop focused on selling golf equipment.
Pro shop - East Potomac Golf Course - East Potomac Park - 2013-08-25.jpg
shop hunting Shop focused on selling gun and hunting equipment.
Artegon Marketplace 07.jpg
shop military_surplus Shop selling used military equipment
Military surplus2.jpg
shop motorcycle Shop focused on selling motorcycles and/or related accessories, clothes, parts, and rental services.
Shop motorcycle.svg
shop motorcycle_repair Shop focused on motorcycle repair.
Motorcycle repair shop in Thailand.jpg
shop outdoor Shop focused on selling camping, walking, climbing, and other outdoor sports equipment (GPSes, etc.)
Winfield's Camping Shop - - 267174.jpg
shop scuba_diving Shop focused on selling scuba diving equipment.
Paradise Dive Shop.jpg
shop ski Shop focused on selling skis, ski equipment and may rent or repair them
shop snowmobile Shop focused on selling snowmobiles, snowmobile equipment and may rent or repair them
Snowmobiling in New Brunswick, Canada 2010.jpg
shop sports Shop focused on selling sporting goods.
HK TST East Mody Road Wing On Plaza Shop Kettler Sport Fitness.JPG
shop surf Shop selling surfboards, sailboards, wakeboards, and other types of surf style boards. and/or related accessories, clothes, parts, repair and rental services.
The Surfboards (8422914814)
shop swimming_pool A store that sells swimming pool equipment and supplies.
Circuit tuyauterie robot hydraulique.jpg
shop trailer Shop focused on selling trailers and parts and/or repairing / renting them
shop truck Shop focused on selling trucks and other commercial vehicles
Kenworth Dealer Hall of Fame, 2015 (08).JPG
shop tyres Shop focused on selling tyres.
Istanbul Continental tyre shop.jpg

Art, music, hobbies

shop art Shop which sells works of art. May be paintings, sculpture, or other types of art
Ruiz gallery.jpg
shop camera A shop mainly selling cameras and lenses
Nikkor Lens Showcase @ Berjaya Times Square's Nikon Centre.jpg
shop collector A shop for different collector's items like stamps, coins, action figures, etc.
Shop collector.jpg
shop craft An arts and crafts supply store. Commonly sold items are paper, canvas, paint, pencils, crafting wood, crafting tools, etc. – look at craft=*
Studio Arts Crafts and Graphics interior - panoramio (1).jpg
shop frame Shop focused on selling frames.
Shop frames berlin.jpg
shop games Shop focused on selling board games, card games and/or role-playing games.
Essen 2008 0251.jpg
shop model Shop specialising in the sale of scale models.
shop music Shop focused on selling recorded music (vinyl/CDs/...)
Shop music.svg
Music shop.JPG
shop musical_instrument Shop focused on selling musical instruments, lyrics, scores. If focused on a specific instrument, specify with musical_instrument=*
Musical instrument-14.svg
Portadown (66), September 2009.JPG
shop photo Shop focused on selling products or services related with photography.
Fujifilm photo shop.jpg
shop trophy Store selling trophies, awards, plaques etc.
shop video Shop focused on selling or renting out videos/DVDs.
Video shop.jpg
shop video_games Shop focused on selling video games.
Video games-14.svg
GameStop on Powell Street in San Francisco, California.

Stationery, gifts, books, newspapers

shop anime Shop focused on selling anime stuff.
2013TIBE Day4 Hall2 Greenwood 20130202.JPG
shop books Shop focused on selling books (for a library that lends books, see amenity=library)
Strand basement jeh.jpg
shop gift Shop focused on selling gifts, greeting cards, or tourist gifts (souvenirs)
Gift shop interior.jpg
shop lottery A shop of which the main or only purpose is the sale of lottery tickets.
12 Kościuszki Street in Sanok (2015), Lotto.jpg
shop newsagent Shop focused on selling newspapers, cigarettes, other goods
HK Sheung Wan Po Yan Street 7-11 Shop Newspaper Stand.JPG
shop stationery Shop focused on selling office supplies
shop ticket Shop focused on selling tickets for concerts, events, public transport, …
Box office of Shosha station.jpg


shop bookmaker A shop that takes bets on sporting and other events at agreed upon odds.
Ladbrokes - 263 Park Lane (2299743817).jpg
shop cannabis a shop primarily and legally selling non-medical cannabis products
Venta de cannabis, Ketchikan, Alaska, Estados Unidos, 2017-08-16, DD 58.jpg
shop copyshop Shop focused on selling photocopying and printing services.
HK 上環 Sheung Wan 蘇杭街 Jervois Street 24 photo copy print co shop.JPG
shop dry_cleaning Shop or kiosk offering a clothes dry cleaning service. The actual cleaning may be done elsewhere.
Dry clean rack.jpg
shop e-cigarette Shop focused on selling electronic cigarettes.
510N e-cigarette and e-liquids.jpg
shop funeral_directors Providing services related to funeral arrangements, may also be known as a "funeral parlour" or "undertakers".
shop laundry A shop to get your normal clothes washed. Might be self service coin operated, with service staff for drop off, …
Polarstern laundry hg.jpg
shop money_lender A money lender offers small personal loans at high rates of interest.
Money lender Palmers Green.jpg
shop outpost Shop primarily used to pick-up items ordered online.
Coles Supermarket Click & Collect service, Corinda, Queensland, 2021.jpg
shop party A shop for party and festival supplies, like costumes, etc.
Shop party.jpg
shop pawnbroker A pawnbroker (or pawnshop) is an individual or business that offers secured loans to people. See also shop=second_hand
Pawnbroker Oulu 20090906.JPG
shop pest_control Shop selling pest control goods to exterminate rats, insects etc.
Atomic Pest Control 2371 Elvis-Presley-Blvd Memphis TN.jpg
shop pet A shop for pets, animals and toys or food for them.
Baby parrots in a pet shop-8a.jpg
shop pet_grooming A shop offering grooming services for pets (most frequently dogs)
Psi fryzjer.jpg
shop pyrotechnics Store of pyrotechnics: fireworks, firecrackers, sparklers etc.
TNT Fireworks Supercenter, Jennings (East face).JPG
shop religion Shop focused on selling religious articles, church shop. See also religion=*
Shop religion.jpg
shop rental Shop that rents different kinds of vehicles or (sport) equipment
Vehicles rental.png
shop storage_rental self storage
Self storage units.jpg
shop tobacco Shop focused on selling tobacco, cigarettes and their related accessories.
Fachgeschäft für Tabakwaren.JPG
shop toys Shop focused on selling toys.
HK Toys R Us.JPG
shop travel_agency Shop focused on selling tickets for travelling. Also known as a tour operator.
Travel agency-14.svg
Shop travel agency berlin.jpg
shop vacant An unused vacant shop. Can be used for an empty or abandoned retail space that seems to be available for lease or purchase where a retail store (or similar businesses) may be opened. No store is being operated in a vacant shop, and neither goods nor services are being offered. This tag can be used after a store was closed or for a newly built shop before any busisness was operated in the shop.
2012-05-02 Carrera de San Jeronimo anagoria.JPG
shop weapons Shop focused on selling weapons like knives, guns etc.
Welcome to America - Supermarket with guns.jpg
shop yes A shop of unspecified type – it is always better to use another value that gives info about shop type, if possible. Used also as indicator that feature such as fuel station has a shop.
shop user defined Category:Tag descriptions for key "shop" listing also values not presented here, only widely used shop tags are added to this page. All commonly used values according to Taginfo

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


This is used to map places and things of specific interest to tourists. For example these may be places to see, places to stay and things and places providing support. See the page titled Tourism for an introduction on its usage.

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This is used to describe various historic places. For example: archeological sites, wrecks, ruins, castles and ancient buildings. See the page titled Historic for an introduction on its usage.

Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto
historic aircraft node area A decommissioned aircraft which generally remains in one place
Mońki. Pomnik samolot.JPG
historic aqueduct way area A historic structure to convey water
Pont Du Gard.JPG
historic archaeological_site node area A place in which evidence of past activity is preserved
Dscf0105 600.jpg
historic battlefield node area The site of a battle or military skirmish in the past. This could be on land or at sea.
Fort Donelson river battery (1).jpg
historic bomb_crater node area A bomb crater.
Fort Douaumont Ende 1916.jpg
historic building node area If it's not clear what type a historic building has, it can be tagged as a generic building.
Castillo Trausnitz, Landshut, Alemania, 2012-05-27, DD 18.JPG
historic cannon node A historic/retired cannon. Usually found at on forts or battlefields.
Muzzle loading cannons at the Swedish Naval Museum (6648150909).jpg
historic castle node area Castles are (often fortified) buildings from medieval and modern times. Other languages
Dscf0226 600.jpg
historic castle_wall way area A defensive wall (fortification) surrounding the bailey of a castle.
Delitzsch Stadtmauer.jpg
historic charcoal_pile way area Historic site of a charcoal pile. Often still in good condition in hilly forest areas.
Charcoal pile 06.jpg
historic church node A building with historical value for Christian religious activities, particularly for worship services.
Sant Vasily cathedral in Moscow.JPG
historic city_gate node area A city gate (or town gate) is a gate within a city wall.
Spaarnwouder- of Amsterdamse poort.jpg
historic citywalls way area A defensive wall is a fortification used to protect a city or settlement from potential aggressors.
Delitzsch Stadtmauer.jpg
historic farm node area A historical farm, kept in its original state.
historic fort node area A military fort – distinct from a castle as it is generally more modern
Komárom Fortress 03.jpg
historic gallows node relation A structure designed for capital punishment by hanging.
historic highwater_mark node A marker for indicating past flood.
Hochwassermarke Schwaebisch Gmuend 1912.jpg
historic locomotive node area A decommissioned locomotive which generally remains in one place.
Ambarawa locomotief.jpg
historic manor node area Historic manors / mansions
Gut Panker Herrenhaus.jpg
historic memorial node area Much like a monument, but smaller. Might range from a WWII memorial to a simple plate on a wall.
Lowertown celtic cross memorial to fallen canal workers.jpg
historic mine node area Abandoned underground mine workings for minerals such as coal or lead.
Wieliczka kopalnia soli 3.jpg
historic minecart node area A cart used to transport coal or ore from a mine.
historic mine_shaft node area Vertical shafts of a historic mine
Abandoned Mine Shaft At Phantom Falls.jpg
historic milestone node A historic marker that shows the distance to important destinations.
Jt meilenstein.jpg
historic monastery node area An historic monastery. See Also amenity=monastery.
Malbork Zamek Wysoki kruzganek.jpg
historic monument node area A memorial object, which is especially large (one can go inside, walk on or through it) or high enough (see the examples), built to remember, show respect to a person or group of people or to commemorate an event. Other languages
Befreiungshalle P1230106.jpg
historic optical_telegraph node area Historic optical telegraph
historic pillory node A construction designed to immobilitate and humiliate a person who was convicted in lower courts.
Kirchberg pranger.jpg
historic railway_car node area A decommissioned railway car which generally remains in one place.
Historic railway car tokyo.JPG
historic ruins node area Remains of structures that were once complete, but have fallen into partial or complete disrepair. If the type of original structure is known or apparent it can be described using ruins=*, e.g. ruins=castle.

Alternative tagging is historic=castle, ruins=yes.
See the proposal and discussion at Proposed features/ruins for ruins of historic buildings.

Szczytno - ruiny zamki (05).jpg
historic rune_stone node A runestone is typically a raised stone with a runic inscription.
U 240, Lingsberg.JPG
historic ship node area A decommissioned ship or submarine
Aurora Cruiser Museum StPetersburg.JPG
historic stone node area A stone shaped or placed by man with historical value.
historic tank node area A decommissioned tank which generally remains in one place.
T-34 am Sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten.jpg
historic tomb node area Historic tomb
historic tower node area Historic tower
historic tree_shrine node A single tree of a religious figure mounted onto a tree. Use natural=tree + historic=wayside_shrine instead.
Tree Shrine - Giritzer, Mautern an der Donau, Österreich - 02.JPG
historic vehicle node area A decommissioned land-based vehicle which generally remains in one place
FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier.jpg
historic wayside_cross node area A historical (usually christian) cross. Frequently found along the way in Southern Germany, Austria and probably elsewhere.
historic wayside_shrine node area A historical shrine often showing a religious depiction. Frequently found along the way in Southern Germany, Austria and probably elsewhere.
Carto shrine.svg
2003-10-11 tanner moor 36.JPG
historic wreck node area Nautical craft that has unintentionally been sunk or destroyed.
historic yes node area Used to add the historic significance of the objects described by other tags.
historic user defined node area All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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Žemės plotai

This is used to describe the purpose for which an area of land is being used. See the page Landuse for an introduction on its usage.

Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto

Common landuse key values - developed land

landuse commercial node area Predominantly commercial businesses and their offices. Commercial businesses which sell goods should be categorised as landuse=retail. Commercial businesses can sell services on site and may include private Doctor's Surgeries, and those non-government services for mental and physical health, such as a Counselor's or Physiotherapist's practice or Veterinary. Commercial businesses can also include office buildings and business parks which have limited interface with the public and sell their services either on site, or externally. Commercial businesses have low amounts of public foot traffic.
Cambourne Business Park - - 15908.jpg
landuse construction node area A site which is under active development and construction of a building or structure, including any purposeful alteration to the land or vegetation upon it. Abandoned construction projects and sites should not use this tag.
Cantiere the Green One dell'area De Gasperi Ovest a San Donato Milanese (Giugno 2022).jpg
landuse education node area An area predominately used for educational purposes/facilities.
Stąporków, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2.jpg
landuse fairground node area A site where a fair takes place
Honre's Pleasure Fair funfair in Inverness from above.jpg
landuse industrial node area Predominantly industrial landuses such as workshops, factories, or warehouses.
Rehuraisio feed plant in Oulu 2008 001.jpg
landuse residential node area Land where people reside; predominantly residential detached (single houses, grouped dwellings), or attached (apartments, flats, units) dwellings. For "Mixed-Use" areas where more than half of the land is residential, tag as residential.
landuse retail node area Predominantly retail businesses such as shops. Retail businesses sell physical goods such as food (prepared or grocery), clothing, medicine, stationary, appliances, tools, or other similar physical items. Retail businesses have high amounts of public foot traffic. Retail businesses do not exclusively provide or sell their services. For businesses which sell services see landuse=commercial.

Generally a member of the public could freely walk into and access a retail business. Retail is a subset of commercial, but should be used and treated as mutually exclusive in OpenStreetMap.

Trocadero - London 1.jpg
landuse institutional node area Land used for institutional purposes, see Institution (disambiguation). Institutional land may include buildings like an office=government, office=ngo, office=association, amenity=social_facility and their associated infrastructure (car parks, service roads, yards and so-on).

information sign

The meaning of this tag is ambiguous and unclear by some. Consider using another tag that better describes the object. For instance landuse=civic_admin.
MSF bureau Genève Novembre 2015.jpg
Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto

Common landuse key values - rural and agricultural land

landuse aquaculture node area Aquaculture is the farming of freshwater and saltwater organisms such as finfish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants.

Warning: currently, there is no convention on the exact meaning of this tag. Therefore, it makes sense to treat it like "boundary of aquaculture" (without implication of water body), which means, water body should be tagged by its own, using natural=water etc.

Delta Pride Catfish farm harvest.jpg
landuse allotments node area A piece of land given over to local residents for growing vegetables and flowers.
landuse farmland area An area of farmland used for tillage (cereals, vegetables, oil plants, flowers).
Rye field.jpg
landuse farmyard area An area of land with farm buildings like farmhouse, dwellings, farmsteads, sheds, stables, barns, equipment sheds, feed bunkers, etc. plus the open space in between them and the shrubbery/trees around them.
Rendering-area-landuse farmyard-mapnik.png
landuse paddy area An area of land where the surface and shape of the land is made suitable for growing rice.
Rice Field.jpg
landuse animal_keeping area An area of land that is used to keep animals, particularly horses and livestock.
Open stable Velm Neuhaus.jpg
landuse flowerbed area An area designated for flowers
Flowerbed, Abbey Park - - 1854212.jpg
landuse forest node area Managed forest or woodland plantation (Other languages). Some use this to map an area of trees rather than the use of the land. See Forest.
Fort Nelson Forestry.JPG
landuse logging area An area where some or all trees have been cut down
Exploitation forestiere.JPG
landuse greenhouse_horticulture area Area used for growing plants in greenhouses
Greenhouses westland.jpg
landuse meadow node area A meadow or pasture: land primarily vegetated by grass and non-woody plants, mainly used for hay or grazing
Landuse Meadow.png
landuse orchard node area intentional planting of trees or shrubs maintained for food production
PikiWiki Israel 29753 Almonds grove.jpg
landuse plant_nursery area intentional planting of plants maintaining for the production of new plants
Landuse plant nursery.png
Cutchogue - Oregon Road - Plant Nursery.jpg
landuse vineyard node area A piece of land where grapes are grown.
Grape vines.jpg
Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto

Common landuse key values - waterbody

landuse basin node area An area artificially graded to hold water.

Together with basin=* for stormwater/rainwater infiltration/detention/retention basins.

Other languages.

Base layer water.png
Boneyard Detention Basin 2006.jpg
landuse reservoir node area A reservoir on Wikipedia. Deprecated variant of natural=water + water=reservoir. See Proposed features/Reservoir for details.
Amagase Dam.jpg
landuse salt_pond area A place where salt (saline) water is evaporated to extract its salt.
Salt ponds SF Bay (dro!d).jpg
Kategorija Kodas Įvedimo būdai Aprašymas Išvaizda Foto

Other landuse key values

landuse brownfield node area Describes land scheduled for new development where old buildings have been demolished and cleared
Former Brickworks ... - - 56268.jpg
landuse cemetery node area Place for burials. You can add religion=* (values listed in the place of worship page). Smaller places (e.g. with a church nearby) may use amenity=grave_yard instead.
Jewish cemetery Worms.jpg
landuse conservation area Protected areas (deprecated) Alternate tagging of same thing: boundary=protected_area, protected_area=*
landuse depot area An area used as a depot for e.g. vehicles (trains, buses or trams). Consider using rather standard landuse tags like landuse=railway, landuse=commercial, landuse=industrial, with subtag like industrial=depot.
RET remise Beverwaard (2).JPG
landuse garages area One level buildings with boxes commonly for cars, usually made of brick and metal. Usually this area belong to garage cooperative with own name, chairman, budget, rules, security, etc.
Rendering-area-landuse garages-mapnik.png
landuse grass node area An area of mown and managed grass not otherwise covered by a more specific tag. Some view this as not a landuse, see the main page landuse=grass for discussion.
084 Green grass lawn background, green mowed grass free photo.jpg
landuse greenfield node area Describes land scheduled for new development where there have been no buildings before. A greenfield is scheduled to turn into a construction site
Rendering-area-landuse greenfield-mapnik.png
Greenfields - - 1202824.jpg

landuse landfill node area Place where waste is dumped.
landuse military node area For land areas owned/used by the military for whatever purpose
REUNION 2007 04.jpg
landuse port area coastal industrial area where commercial traffic is handled. Consider using landuse=industrial + industrial=port for this type of industrial area.
Churchill Seaport 1996-08-12.jpg
landuse quarry node area Surface mineral extraction
landuse railway area Area for railway use
landuse recreation_ground node area An open green space for general recreation, which may include pitches, nets and so on, usually municipal but possibly also private to colleges or companies
Landuse-recreation ground.png
Outdoor gym in Parque de Bateria, Torremolinos.JPG
landuse religious node area An area used for religious purposes
Landuse-religious ground.png
Cerkiew w Komańczy by Verid1st 09.JPG
landuse village_green node area A village green is a distinctive area of grassy public land in a village centre. Not a generic tag for urban greenery. It is a typical English term – defined separately from 'common land' under the Commons Registration Act 1965 and the Commons Act 2006.
Landuse-village green.png
landuse greenery area Used for any area covered with landscaping or decorative greenery, regardless of it being on a roundabout, along a street or in a park/garden, This tag has been used for vegetation that is hard to classify, either because its kind or because its diversity.
landuse winter_sports node area An area dedicated to winter sports (e.g. skiing)
First run (3373949916).jpg
landuse user defined node area All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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=== Kariuomenė ===This is used for facilities and on land used by the military. These may include the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines. See the page titled Military for an introduction on its usage.

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This is used to describe natural and physical land features. These also include features that have been modified by humans.


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Water related

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Geology related

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